turn the tide

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Verb1.turn the tide - cause a complete reversal of the circumstancesturn the tide - cause a complete reversal of the circumstances; "The tables are turned now that the Republicans are in power!"
change by reversal, reverse, turn - change to the contrary; "The trend was reversed"; "the tides turned against him"; "public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern"
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This would serve to turn the tide of State influence into the channels of the national government, instead of making federal influence flow in an opposite and adverse current.
He offered himself for punishment, fished, and feinted, and drew, for that one opening that would enable him to whip a blow through with all his strength and turn the tide. As another and greater fighter had done before him, he might do a right and left, to solar plexus and across the jaw.
SOUTH Shields joint-manager Graham Fenton has challenged his side to "turn the tide" as they look to end a poor run of form against Gainsborough Trinity.
From the foreword by the CEO of Surfers Against Sewage to the accounts of beach cleans attended and campaigns won and lost, it is clear Siegle is well-qualified to advise on ways to turn the tide on plastic pollution.
Although falling victim to Pahrudinov's takedowns early in the first round, Folayang was quick to turn the tide around.
Erokhin, who plays his club football for Zenit, replaced Daler Kuzyaev as Russia looked for a way to turn the tide of attacks from Fernando Hierro's men.Hierro followed suit seven minutes after Erokhin's entrance, sending on Rodrigo Moreno for Marco Asensio.
Even captain MS Dhoni -- who has gained a cult following among cricket fans -- was unable to turn the tide, as Hardik Pandya and Mayank Markande both plundered three wickets each.
Summary: Johannesburg [South Africa], Feb 17 (ANI): Newly-elected South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Friday pledged for an economic and political turnaround and appealed to the citizens that the country was entering a new dawn and promised to turn the tide on corruption, according to media reports.
Lazzarini reiterated that the support has not been enough to turn the tide of refugees' deepening poverty and vulnerabilities affecting both Lebanese host communities and refugees.
Your noble quest is to turn the tide of prejudice, but first you'll have to master Divinity's intricate world of character coercion, party-building and turn-based tactical combat.
Defoe (right), 34, was brought on as a sub in his side's 2-0 home defeat by Watford on Saturday, but was unable to turn the tide.