turn bridge

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turn bridge

(Civil Engineering) another name for swing bridge
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The chief minister was told that 70 percent work on Drigh Road Underpass along Shahrah-e-Faisal with restoration of right turn bridge has been done and further work was in progress.
The meeting was informed that 70% work on Drigh Road underpass along Sharae Faisal with restoration of right turn bridge had been accomplished and further work was in progress.
Salvage Turn Bridge, over the canal behind The Cube, has become known locally as Lovers' Bridge with romantic couples attaching padlocks to the parapet.
Steve said: "The most historically significant structure on the canal is the lift bridge at Quay Street off St Andrews Road, colloquially known as the 'Loco' or sometimes as Turn Bridge.
Construction of the Drigh Road Underpass on Sharae Faisal with restoration of an existing right turn bridge is a feature of this year's provincial budget, as is the Munawar Suhrawardy Underpass, previously known as the Drigh Road Underpass.
Salvage Turn Bridge, just behind The Cube, is now become known locally as Lovers' Bridge, with scores of padlocks clipped on to it by lovebirds.