true time

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Related to true time: clock, actual time

true time

the time shown by a sundial; solar time. When the sun is at the highest point in its daily path, the true time is exactly noon. Compare mean time
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
They pointed out to them that the firmament, with its infinitude of stars, may be considered as one vast dial-plate, upon which the moon travels, indicating the true time to all the inhabitants of the earth; that it is during this movement that the Queen of Night exhibits her different phases; that the moon is full when she is in opposition with the sun, that is when the three bodies are on the same straight line, the earth occupying the center; that she is new when she is in conjunction with the sun, that is, when she is between it and the earth; and, lastly that she is in her first or last quarter, when she makes with the sun and the earth an angle of which she herself occupies the apex.
Thus did he maintain the defensive, making his eye, foot, and hand keep true time, until, observing his antagonist to lose wind, he darted the staff at his face with his left hand; and, as the Miller endeavoured to parry the thrust, he slid his right hand down to his left, and with the full swing of the weapon struck his opponent on the left side of the head, who instantly measured his length upon the green sward.
I don't believe in it--MUCH--but Judy says she's seen it come true time and again.
Never was such a place for keeping the true time. When the large clapper thought proper to say "Twelve o'clock!" all its obedient followers opened their throats simultaneously, and responded like a very echo.
To move them forwards, in advance of the true time, is impossible: but I can move them as much as a month backwards that is the limit.
'It is true time has come for you to use your constitutional right to entrust trustworthy individuals with the power to oversee the affairs of this country on your behalf and not to be swayed by political novices and formations that spring just about anywhere with nothing to offer,' he said, adding that BDP had a proven track record and was more than ready to steer Botswana to a high-income status if given yet another mandate to lead.
It also works like a true time machine in its meticulous re-creation of 1969 with period autos, movie theaters, music, TV shows, fashions, film posters, attitudes and advertisements.
Sumsam Bukhari said that the viewpoint of Prime Minister Imran Khan is becoming true time and again.
This is a true time saver since the chickens now feed themselves.
The building is adorned with a dragon and a watch that purports to show the "true time of Lviv." It was, so the story goes, the home of a chimney cleaner and his family who still watch over the mythical creatures in the city.
Early in my career, my boss helped me understand this when he said, "I'd rather have a bad contract with a good contractor than a good contract with a bad contractor." I have found this to be true time and again.