true rhyme

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Related to true rhyme: Exact Rhyme

true rhyme

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In these half-spooners one of the two pairs is a true rhyme. They're easier to find than the deaf-in both-eyes doubles, so more abundant, but both are a small selection of the many found.
The poem is simply rhymed (pink/brink' red/bed) with a nice joke at the end as poets, notoriously, can find no true rhyme for orange.
But in a verse translation it is vital that the culminating word should provide a true rhyme, as in the Russian.
This last stanza begins with a true rhyme, and ends with a false one.
TRUE Rhymes Uniquely Teaching Honesty, otherwise known as TRUTH, has been bringing his verses to the mic since he started his career in 2014.
For more of TRUTH, and to support his independent music, find his tracks through his YouTube channel: True Rhymes.
A Funereal Effort to Find True Rhymes for Doveglion
Three rhymes are recognized by purists as "true rhymes": masculine rhyme, in which the two words end with the same vowel-consonant combination (stand/land); feminine rhyme (sometimes called double rhyme), in which two syllables rhyme (profession/discretion); and trisyllabic rhyme, in which three syllables rhyme (patinate/latinate).