

adj, -sier or -siest
impudent or scornful; tossing the head in pride
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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CAFFREY Thomas (Tossy) Beloved husband of the late Carmel.
Editor Titus Tossy presents readers with a collection of academic essays and scholarly research articles focused on best practices in the implementation of new technologies within various developing regions throughout the world.
Treatment of tossy III acromioclavicular joint injuries using hook plates and ligament suture.
Among the other new additions are Loughmore-Castleiney's John Meagher, Killenaule's Joe O'Dwyer, who played in the early stages of 2015 before suffering injury, Drom & Inch clubman Liam Ryan, Tossy Hamill (Moyne-Templetuohy), Willie Ryan (Clonakenny), Liam McGrath (Loughmore) and Kieran Morris (Moycarkey-Borris).
As my uncle Tossy would have said, "The show was all that and a bag of chips."
Bone fracture types: 33 cases of distal clavicle fractures (Tossy type III) and 17 cases of acromioclavicular joint dislocations (Neer type II).
Pittevils, "The treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation Tossy grade III with a clavicle hook plate," Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, vol.
Tossy and Allman described types 1 to 3, and Rockwood later described types 4 to 6.
Die begabten Sohne Adolf (Sanger), Issy (Violinist und Cellist), Tossy (Violine) und Jascha (Pianist) wurden dort an Musikhochschulen zu ausgezeichneten Berufsmusikern ausgebildet.
Tossy singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy...rye??"
On 17 December he wrote to his former pupil Wilhelmine Creel from a sanatorium at Asheville, North Carolina, that his temperature was now normal almost every day, although he still needed to take care of his health and not to overwork.(25) Not only had he managed to compose the Concerto for Orchestra in the last months of 1943 but he had heard, for the first time, his Second Violin Concerto, in a magnificent performance by Tossy Spivakovsky, and come to know Yehudi Menuhin, for whom he would write his next work, the Sonata for solo violin, while still in North Carolina.