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illuminated by the light of a torch or torches
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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On Saturday from 8pm it's the Festival of Fire, with torchlit parade and the burning of a longboat.
A BAND of alleged Neo-Nazis are believed to have been performing masked torchlit rituals at precious National Trust sites.
MASKED neo-Nazis who talk of launching an "English resistance" have staged torchlit rituals at ancient locations in the care of the National Trust.
In a first for the festival, 50 warriors from the Up Helly Aa Jarl Squad led a torchlit parade down the town streets on Saturday evening, thrilling the crowds while they made their way to the beach.
Bloody Scotland has been praised for going beyond the usual remit of a literary festival to create a fringe featuring football, a torchlit procession, a cabaret, a podcast, a quiz - and this year will also include a 'Killer Ceilidh'; a procession of Harley Davidson riders; a play at the Sheriff Court which will allow the audience to vote on the verdict of a real murder trial and a screening of classic crime films from The 39 Steps to Reichenbach Falls, introduced by Ian Rankin.
Mike said:"Our torchlit walk up to the highest point in southern Britain was rewarded with this spectacular sunrise."
They will march it through Edinburgh during a torchlit procession - before it is set ablaze in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle.
The two-hour torchlit procession went ahead in the capital, Sofia, on Saturday night despite calls from Bulgariaas largest parties, the US embassy and several Jewish organisations for it to be scrapped.
From spooky torchlit tours and Halloween story-telling to Fright Nights, there is something to send a shiver down even the most hardened spine!
In our times the torchlit quest for honest men is not confined to Cyprus -- the scarcity of intellectual as well as financial honesty is worldwide.