torch battery

Related to torch battery: vernal

torch battery

n (Brit) → Taschenlampenbatterie f
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Every single waste torch battery is 95% as valuable as a new one, since metals like lithium have to be torn out of the earth in Malaysia, where they exist in very small proportions, to be extracted.
FBI Spokeswoman Cathy Viray said a torch battery had exploded during a search by a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) official.
Officials blamed a corroded torch battery for the blast.
The farmer took them to a village where they persuaded the chief to round up every torch battery to charge up the satphone.
Yesterday he said he had booked a holiday at Christmas with his wife Diane, who now affectionately called him 'Torchy' as he was permanently wired up to a torch battery.
Duncan MacLennan's disposable lighter became a life-saver after his torch battery ran out.