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Noun1.tenderisation - the act of making meat tender by pounding or marinating it
cookery, cooking, preparation - the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; "cooking can be a great art"; "people are needed who have experience in cookery"; "he left the preparation of meals to his wife"
improvement - the act of improving something; "their improvements increased the value of the property"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Monahan, "The tenderisation of shin beef using a citrus juice marinade," Meat Science, vol.
Waller, "Pre-rigor temperature and the relationship between lamb tenderisation, free water production, bound water and dry matter," Meat Science, vol.
It is usually marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, garlic, onions, ginger and sugar for two-to-four hours to enhance the flavour and its tenderisation.
Proteome changes during meat ageing in tough and tender beef suggest the importance of apoptosis and chaperone proteins for beef ageing and tenderisation. J Agric.
Reville (1997).The role of endogenous proteases in the tenderisation of fast glycolysing muscle.
Heron dry-ages three cuts of US grain-fed beef -- sirloin, sirloin rump and rib eye, which benefit from the tenderisation that comes from the enzyme-driven breakdown of tissues during ageing.
This paper describes the complex effects of pHu on beef quality characteristics from Chinese Yellow crossbreed cattle during postmortem aging and provides an explanation of how pHu affects beef tenderness and rate of tenderisation.
Papain is derived from the tropical plant Carica Papaya and is widely used for meat tenderisation, flavour production, yeast hydrolysis and much more.
"We hang it for three weeks to enhance tenderisation and add yet more flavour.
The weight loss and tenderisation associated with canning is predominantly related to lost water and water-soluble components and conversion of collagen to gelatine, respectively.