tenants' charter

tenants' charter

(Law) (in Britain) a package of legal rights to which tenants of local authorities, new towns, and housing associations are entitled, including security of tenure, and the rights to buy the dwelling cheaply, to take in lodgers, and to sublet
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Both parties have long and successful track records of operating large commercial estates across the UK and have adopted a 'tenants first' approach, cemented in a tenants' charter.
The proposed new Tenants' Charter could mean honest landlords are at a disadvantage and may well deter them from renting their properties.
But she is concerned that the proposed new Tenants' Charter, another element to the Whitehall-led plans, could mean honest landlords are at a disadvantage and could be put off from renting their properties.
PLANS to introduce a Tenants' Charter could be counter-productive and destabilise the market, it is claimed.
It says the introduction of a Tenants' Charter - announced by the Communities Secretary Eric PicKles MP - will worK against landlords in many areas and potentially force rents beyond record levels and result in a reduction of quality accommodation.
For tenants, George F White guarantees no fees other than the cost of referencing and also provides them with a tenants' charter and a tenants' guide.
Wouldn't it be an idea for the Welsh Assembly to propose a Welsh private tenants' charter for landlords and tenants which guaranteed longer tenure for tenants in exchange for inflation-linked rent rises provided that the landlord made their properties as energy efficient as possible and allowed the tenant more freedom to decorate the property?
Councillor John Lauderdale, the council's portfolio holder for town management, said: "The signing of the Tenants' Charter proves Housing Hartlepool is committed to keeping all the promises that have been made to tenants."
This is in connection with The Tenants' Charter for Scotland, and the Right To Repairs from October 1, 1994.
The introduction of a Tenants' Charter announced by the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles MP will work against landlords in many areas and potentially force rents beyond record levels and result in a reduction of quality accommodation.
Do not interpret this as a tenants' charter; but the approach will need to be one of fairness, rather than maximising profit at the tenant's expense.
A NEW tenants' charter has been launched in Huddersfield.