
Also found in: Acronyms.


(Agriculture) the dung of grazing animals, used as manure to fertilize land
vb (tr)
(Agriculture) to allow or make grazing animals defecate on (land) so as to fertilize it
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Tath plans to take dozens of copies of Growth and Changes back to her hometown in Takeo province for Khmer New Year.
What is more, his attempt to venerate the memories of a Bridgeburner eyewitness through the medium of song recalls not only the Bonehunters' aforementioned lyrical canonization of Coltaine, but also Fisher kel Tath's thoughts on Duiker's failed attempts to transcribe the story of the Chain of Dogs--namely, "that expositional prose isn't right for telling that story" (Toll 346).
For a recent discussion of the legal and judicial commentary on the case, see Sean Tath O'Donnell, Courting Science, Binding Truth: A Social History of Frye v.
Tath Sophal, is the GHF-CBT Coordinator, where he is the responsible for the overall management and operations of the CBT including accounting, marketing and communications with Global Heritage Fund.
She's sought by both Ko-Ko and her truest love, Nanki-poo (Sean Tath O'Donnell).
Research has further demonstrated tath Davidson County's models where the client receives support from the TC both in treatment and post-release, is more efficacious than an approach in which the offender receives support only while in prison or on work release (6)
The eponymous creature "bakes a tath," attempts a "jig bump," wears a "howboy cat," and so on.
Although countless trails seem to extend into the barren lands, the elders say that the Denesoline traditionally followed four main routes: Tath a Deze, Des Delgahi Deze, Des Tsel Che Deze, and Desnethche (Parlee et al., 2001) (Fig.
am felling some better [;] tath [that] salt-water has done me some good.
The two xylophones - one with wooden keys, the other with bamboo - are set out for the ritual by Sam-Ang Sam and visiting master Tath Sum.