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Related to Tati: Jacques Tati


(French tati)
(Biography) Jacques (ʒak), real name Jacques Tatischeff. 1908–82, French film director, pantomimist, and comic actor, creator of the character Monsieur Hulot
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Noun1.Tati - French filmmaker (1908-1982)
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References in classic literature ?
He was Moti, the youngest son of Tati, the chief, and this was Tahiti, and beyond that smoking reef lay the sweet land of Papara and the chief's grass house by the river's mouth.
But there is something different about Tati, who suffers from inexplicable seizures that no doctor can explain or cure.
Tati hails from Dhankhona village that comes under Missamari police station.
Thankfully all four of them are now thriving here and mum Tati can get the veterinary treatment she needs, but sadly many other puppies are not as fortunate and this could have been a completely different story had they not been found so quickly."
Similarly, Tati explained the fraction concept in mathematics by saying 'sharing' that is familiar to students' daily conversation.
Excretion of a tumor-associated trypsin inhibitor (TATI) in urine of patients with gynecological malignancy.
we (even) set penalties if you're late," Tati maintained.
Tati opened an outlet at Bahrain City Centre earlier this year and aims to open one at Yas Mall in Abu Dhabi in late February and one in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by year-end, bringing the number of outlets in the kingdom to three.
The operations in question include Norilsk's 50% stake in the Nkomati nickel and chrome mine and its 85% holding in the Tati Nickel Mining company.