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(Sociology) informal (of a gay person) having the mannerisms of a heterosexual person: used esp by gay people of other gay people
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Edgar Allan plays the flamboyant Mark who is asked by the straight-acting cancer-stricken John to organize a fake funeral so that he can hear what people have to say about him.
It's used to encourage competition among women for the limited number of "good men" straight-acting women are supposed to need to save themselves from hopelessness, emptiness, loneliness, and meaninglessness.
Alan Sinfield suggests that, in the 1970s, 'it [was] the straight-acting types who had a new opportunity: to come out'.
Borrowing a term from contemporary gay male discourse, we can say that both Jim and David are "straight-acting" gay men: gay men who appear and act masculine, who take pride in differing from heteronormative straight men only in the matter of their sexual object choice.
I'm also worried I won't meet someone like myself, just a normal straight-acting guy.
These gay men who conform to the heteronormative masculine image are called straight-acting. Straight-acting gay men do not perform what Madon (1997) finds stereotypical gay male traits, such as being outspoken, sociable, talkative, and concerned about appearance.
Among the newcomers, Denis Lawson is a nimble delight in the less showy role of straight-acting Georges, but the best news is that versatile Douglas Hodge is back as Albin.
(This can also be seen in Jack's attraction to the same kind of men as Ennis: straight-acting guys unable to accept their sexual identity.)
Right now, the English theatre is in need of not another syllable about frustrated straight-acting gay men stuck in the closet.
This agenda is not only reasonable and attainable but it bolsters the movement by attracting those who wish to be both openly gay and "straight-acting."
And if the right-wing definition of "traditional" marriage is this straight-acting one, then, yes, same-gender marriage will upset it.
Tall and strikingly handsome, the star of Broadway's campy hit Xanadu is the essence of "straight-acting, straight-appearing" onstage.