straight sinus

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Noun1.straight sinus - an unpaired sinus of the dura mater
venous sinus, sinus - a wide channel containing blood; does not have the coating of an ordinary blood vessel
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Magnetic resonance venography (MRV) revealed thrombosis in the straight sinus and right transverse sinus [Figure 1]c and [Figure 1]d.
To our surprise, he was found to have a single extra-axial T1 hypo/T2 hyperintense lesion (2*4.5*2.5 cm) leaning on the left cerebellar hemisphere with a displacement of straight sinus right laterally.
Other venous anomalies commonly co-occur with VGAM, including anomalous dural sinuses, sinus stenoses, and an absence of the straight sinus (1, 2, 5).
Sagging of these structures causes a narrowing in the angle between the vein of Galen and straight sinus, which begets a recession in venous drainage of the brain stem.
On SWI image, deep cerebral veins and straight sinus had low signal intensity (Figure 2A).