stone circle

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Related to stone circle: Stonehenge

stone circle

A Neolithic or Bronze Age circular formation of standing stones, such as at Stonehenge, England, thought to have a connection with astronomical observation.
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References in classic literature ?
All round it the tiny terraced fields lay out like aprons of patchwork on the knees of the mountain, and cows no bigger than beetles grazed between the smooth stone circles of the threshing-floors.
On the summer solstice, the sun rises behind the Heel Stone, the ancient entrance to the Stone Circle, and rays of sunlight are channelled into the centre of the monument.
While she made some key observations (including a plan of the fort on Abbey Craig before theWallace monument was built) she was a bit eccentric and suggested that stone circles were in fact ruined brochs and the Smith Museum holds a model replica of her interpretation of a stone circle as a broch.
Built 5000 years ago, the Neolithic ceremonial stone circle near Stenness is the third largest in the British Isles.
English Heritage, which l k ft th t i looks after the stone circle, hopes the pictures will inspire other people to go back through their photo albums and share their old pictures of the monument, and even those taken by their ancestors.
There are shuttle services available to move around between hilltop, the Main Stage the Stone Circle and The Big Bottom of the Main Camp.
Stonehenge, a neolithic stone circle on a plain by the Avon river dating back as far as 3000-2000 BC, has in Western culture become synonymous with the summer solstice, when it attracts hordes of visitors, Druids and spiritually-minded folk who spend the night by the ancient monument to watch the sunrise.
It would also damage the integrity of the World Heritage Site, which covers a much larger area than the stone circle, experts led by Professor Mike Parker-Pearson, of University College London, warn in a submission to the consultation on the plans.
The prehistoric stone circle of Stonehenge in south-west England will be freed from the sight, sound and smell of traffic under plans announced on Tuesday to bury a busy road that has long blighted the World Heritage Site.
Several stones from the inner stone circle survive.
The highest point of the walk was the Twelve Apostles Stone Circle on Ilkley Moor.
The sun rose behind the Heel Stone - the ancient entrance to the Stone Circle from the ceremonial avenue - according to English Heritage.