stone cell

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stone cell

A nearly isodiametric sclereid that is found in certain fruits, such as the quince and pear.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Stumbling on as well as he could, beneath the unusual burden of these fetters, he was conducted to a strong stone cell, where, fastening the door with locks, and bolts, and chains, they left him, well secured; having first, unseen by him, thrust in Grip, who, with his head drooping and his deep black plumes rough and rumpled, appeared to comprehend and to partake, his master's fallen fortunes.
Get downstairs, little bag o' bones.' With this, the undertaker's wife opened a side door, and pushed Oliver down a steep flight of stairs into a stone cell, damp and dark: forming the ante-room to the coal-cellar, and denominated 'kitchen'; wherein sat a slatternly girl, in shoes down at heel, and blue worsted stockings very much out of repair.
The dated furniture and empty fireplace must have seemed palatial to Mandela when he left a single, stone cell in high security Robben Island to come here for his final months.
Meanwhile, Mandela would spend the next 18 years in an 8ft by 7ft stone cell, where he slept beneath a light bulb left burning all night, doing hard labour by day.
During the development of the "Clapp's Favourite" and "Conference" fruits, the size of the stone cell aggregates was observed to increase.
4 WINGED BOY WITH A DOLPHIN AFTER ANDREA DEL VERROCCHIO (SAN SEVERINO MARCHE, ITALY) In this medieval comune, whose land tells a human history dating back to ancient times, there is a small museum (the Pinacoteca Civica "Tacchi Vcnturi") that houses the holy slippers and cap of Saint Celestine V, the reluctant pope who died in a small stone cell for seeking freedom from the church.
A flood is coming, love goes wrong, old people are menaced in their nursing home, churchgoers turn against strangers and gird themselves with walkie-talkies, butterflies eat violets, and Julian of Norwich, the fourteenth-century mystic, sits in her stone cell thinking about arrows of light, Black Death, and predestination.
It is home to 20 monasteries and 1,700 monks - and the annual retreat of Prince Charles, who spends a week contemplating his lot in a bare stone cell. Sadly I didn't get a chance to follow in Charlie's footsteps because women have been banned from visiting Athos for the past 1,000 years!
Ciliates show the rare characteristic of growing two types of nuclei in the stone cell. A micronucleus contains the whole diploid genome of the organism.
Meanwhile Mandela would spend the next 18 years in an 8ft by 7ft stone cell, where he slept beneath a light bulb left burning all night, doing hard labour by day.
The terror-stricken fans were then driven down side streets to a small police station, where they were placed in a cold, stone cell.