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a. A steam-driven machine equipped with a heavy roller for smoothing road surfaces.
b. A similar machine with an internal-combustion engine.
2. A ruthless or irresistible force or power.
v. also steam·roll (-rōl′) steam·roll·ered, steam·roll·er·ing, steam·roll·ers also steam·rolled or steam·roll·ing or steam·rolls
1. To smooth or level (a road) with a steamroller.
2. To overwhelm or suppress ruthlessly; crush.
To move or proceed with overwhelming or crushing force.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈstimˌroʊ lər)

1. a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
2. (not in technical use) any similar vehicle with a roller.
3. an overpowering force, esp. a ruthless one.
4. to crush or flatten with a steamroller.
5. to overcome with superior force.
6. to bring about the adoption of by overwhelming pressure: to steamroller the resolution through.
7. to proceed with implacable force.
8. ruthlessly overpowering.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.steamroll - bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"
steamroll, steamroller - overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"
steamroll, steamroller - proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"
coerce, force, hale, pressure, squeeze - to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"
2.steamroll - proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"
go, proceed, move - follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels"
steamroll, steamroller - bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"
3.steamroll - overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"
overmaster, overpower, overwhelm - overcome by superior force
steamroll, steamroller - bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"
4.steamroll - make level or flat with a steamroller; "steamroll the roads"
flatten - make flat or flatter; "flatten a road"; "flatten your stomach with these exercises"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"I don't think anyone is trying to steamroll us on anything -- they must understand that is a far-fetched possibility.
The CPI-M, which heads the Left Democratic Front government in Kerala, also slammed Shah for his threat to oust the state government if it tried to steamroll over the traditions of the Sabarimala temple.
Lopez opened his score when he pulled back the third game and went all out to steamroll through the fourth for two-games-all.
Following his death in 2015 after a battle with Alzheimer's, his friend, author Neil Gaiman, told The Times that the fantasy writer wanted "whatever he was working on at the time of his death to be taken out along with his computers, to be put in the middle of a road and for a steamroller to steamroll over them all".
The media still lets him steamroll them with nonsense.
CAMPAIGNERS against controversial plans for 8,000 homes in north-west Wales say council ocials have tried to "steamroll" them into submission.
She said: "We can't steamroll with this in September when you know there's insufficient childcare.
Spennymoor continued to steamroll the opposition as they outsniped Urlay Nook 189-173.
"AMs have no real proof that badgers are passing TB on to cattle, yet they still want to steamroll through a killing programme that will wipe out badgers," she said.
ID is more than just creationism's Trojan horse--it is a stalking horse for the Religious Right's effort to steamroll its way into American education and public policy.