state tree

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Related to state tree: State bird

state′ tree′

a tree chosen as an official symbol of a U.S. state.
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Florida's official state tree -- the tall, broad-leafed sabal palm -- is especially susceptible and Florida nurseries, businesses and homeowners are taking a financial hit as they scrap infected palms.
Loblolly is the Arkansas state tree. Also, it means a cold, damp place, like the bottom of an ice cream pint.
The terra-cotta tiles of each major color group are composed of light, medium, and dark glaze colors to add depth, while textured silver metal panels were added to represent the state tree, the tulip poplar.
Visitors should look for depictions of the state tree, state bird, state insect, as well as notable local buildings and rural scenes.
The first 100 patrons in line on the day of the event will receive a free Eastern redbud, which is Oklahoma's state tree.
Quaking aspen, Pando's iconic species, was named Utah's State Tree in 2014 and, among numerous values, is considered a staple of scenic montane landscapes in the American West.
Additionally, we were able to gain a better appreciation of how tulip poplar, our state tree, grew in old-growth forest conditions (Figs.
Pecan has been adopted as the 'State Tree' of Texas and the 'State Nut' of Alabama and in the US, April is designated 'National Pecan Month'.
The Connecticut Charter Oak is not only its state tree, but also an important reminder of history.
Caption: Saratoga High School students and community groups throughout Saratoga Springs assisted in potting bareroot trees and shrubs at the State Tree Nursery to prepare them for distribution across the state.
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