state prayers

state prayers

pl n
(Anglicanism) Church of England prayers for the sovereign, the royal family, the clergy, and Parliament said at matins and evensong
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This was, after all, an opportunity to dispel persistent rumours that the Queen was less than enamoured of Camilla, whom she once famously called "that wicked woman" and decreed, earlier this year, would not be mentioned in State prayers.
Prompted by a written question tabled in Parliament, the Queen, as supreme head of the Church of England, pre-empted the prime minister and issued a statement saying: "There are no plans to include the Duchess of Cornwall's name in state prayers."
Had Prince Charles already spoken to the Queen about his wife's place in state prayers, when he made an unannounced visit to Blaenau Ffestiniog, a few months ago, to speak to the town's Welsh Eastern Orthodox priest?
PRINCE Charles's wife was snubbed by the Queen last night after she decided Camilla should NOT be named in State prayers for the Royal Family.
Especially helpful are the notes of changes in the wording of the state prayers that marked births, deaths and other changes in the Royal Family.
This unsureness was not all one way: the Church of Ireland uses the Book of Common Prayer, which includes, of course, various State prayers; and, equally of course, there are two versions of these.
THE Queen has no plans to change state prayers to include the Duchess of Cornwall, Buckingham Palace said yesterday.
3PRINCESS Diana "fans" distraught that they may soon have to pray for Camilla Parker Bowles in state prayers. Surely if they are still "fans" of a rich stranger who died almost eight years ago, shouldn't they be praying for themselves?
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