staff of life

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Related to staff of life: Bread is the staff of life

staff of life

n. pl. staves of life or staffs of life
A staple or necessary food, especially bread.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

staff′ of life′

bread, considered as the mainstay of the human diet.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.staff of life - food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then bakedstaff of life - food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
starches - foodstuff rich in natural starch (especially potatoes, rice, bread)
flour - fine powdery foodstuff obtained by grinding and sifting the meal of a cereal grain
baked goods - foods (like breads and cakes and pastries) that are cooked in an oven
anadama bread - a yeast-raised bread made of white flour and cornmeal and molasses
bap - a small loaf or roll of soft bread
barmbrack - a rich currant cake or bun
breadstick, bread-stick - a crisp stick-shaped roll; often served with soup
Boston brown bread, brown bread - dark steamed bread made of cornmeal wheat and flour with molasses and soda and milk or water
bun, roll - small rounded bread either plain or sweet
caraway seed bread - bread containing caraway seeds
challah, hallah - (Judaism) a loaf of white bread containing eggs and leavened with yeast; often formed into braided loaves and glazed with eggs before baking
cinnamon bread - bread flavored with cinnamon often containing raisins
cracked-wheat bread - bread made with cracked wheat that has been ground fine
crouton - a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads
brown bread, dark bread, whole meal bread, whole wheat bread - bread made with whole wheat flour
English muffin - round, raised muffin cooked on a griddle; usually split and toasted before being eaten
flatbread - any of various breads made from usually unleavened dough
garlic bread - French or Italian bread sliced and spread with garlic butter then crisped in the oven
gluten bread - bread made with gluten flour
Host - a technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communion
loaf, loaf of bread - a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating
matzah, matzo, matzoh, unleavened bread - brittle flat bread eaten at Passover
naan, nan - leavened bread baked in a clay oven in India; usually shaped like a teardrop
onion bread - bread containing finely minced onions
raisin bread - bread containing raisins
quick bread - breads made with a leavening agent that permits immediate baking
rye bread - any of various breads made entirely or partly with rye flour
salt-rising bread - white wheat bread raised by a salt-tolerant bacterium in a mixture of salt and either cornmeal or potato pulp
simnel - a crisp bread of fine white flour
sour bread, sourdough bread - made with a starter of a small amount of dough in which fermentation is active
toast - slices of bread that have been toasted
wafer - thin disk of unleavened bread used in a religious service (especially in the celebration of the Eucharist)
light bread, white bread - bread made with finely ground and usually bleached wheat flour
sandwich - two (or more) slices of bread with a filling between them
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Now, however, return home, and go about among the suitors; begin getting provisions ready for your voyage; see everything well stowed, the wine in jars, and the barley meal, which is the staff of life, in leathern bags, while I go round the town and beat up volunteers at once.
"In Spanish Florida, corn, not wheat, was the staff of life," says Mormino.
Morris says storytelling, not bread, is the true staff of life.
Targema has struck out a N10 million suit brought against Nigerian Breweries Plc by one Chief Geoffrey Okey Omeh, a former staff of Life Breweries Limited, Onitsha, for lack of jurisdiction.
It doesn't take long for such views to be spread and considered fact in other public places where gossip, true or otherwise, is the staff of life.
The Staff of Life. It's with good reason that bread is called "the staff of life." A diet rich in WGs is associated with lower total mortality and death from cardiovascular disease (CVD), a broad category that includes stroke, atrial fibrillation, myocardial ischemia, cardiovascular death, coronary artery disease, and myocardial infarction; all-cause mortality, and mortality from cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.
Flour represents "the staff of life," eggs represent "creation," salt symbolizes "wholesomeness" and milk represents "purity," according to Historic UK.
The family would like to express their deep gratitude to the entire staff of Life Care Ctr.
The Bible may tell us bread is the staff of life but, for those with food intolerances, the average baker's loaf is a recipe for serious illness.
Now we pay the greedy privatised water firms an average of pounds 330 a year for "the staff of life" - which falls from the sky for nothing.