sponge off

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.sponge off - clean with a sponge, by rubbing
rub - move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin"
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w>sponge off

vt sep stain, liquidabwischen
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References in classic literature ?
"He tried to sponge off of me, but I put a stop to that good and quick," Von Schmidt had said to the reporter.
Russell Watson has told his kids to work hard - because he won't allow them to sponge off his fortune.
Ken Craig, by email AIF IT'S really heavy grease use sugar soap, and mix it so it's concentrated then simply sponge off the grease.
Ken Craig, by email AIF IT'S really heavy grease use sugar soap, and mix it it's concentrated then simply sponge off the grease.
They sponge off their kids "All the people that don't live on the benefits of hard working people, like the Bedworth population, sponge off their kids and rely on them to bring in the income to waste it on weed or any other drug that kills them faster then the morons that drive about like boy racers or ride on their little bikes thinking they're 'phat.'.
Nearly all lack any shred of talent and are happy to sponge off their parents for as long as they can.
That includes meeting the divers who hunt for natural sponge off the tiny island of Pserimos, and learning how declining stocks are affecting the population.
PRINCE Philip cemented his status as king of the gaffes yesterday when he asked a group of women: "Who do you sponge off?" He also remarked to one professional fundraiser: "Do you have any friends left?" The 94-year-old's comments came as he and the Queen enjoyed a lively day out in Barking and Dagenham.
He's been looking for a place of his own because he's adamant that he doesn't want to sponge off her.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude--never to be confused with those who sponge off public funds because their ridiculous schemes simply couldn't succeed in a free-market environment--put questions of economic self-sufficiency at the very heart of what they do.
I don't want to sponge off the State, but what option do I have?