

a problem-solver
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It's not just the ethical problems that are important to think about, then, but also the dominance of a techno-centered "solutionist" attitude, according to which we develop technologies with a view to fixing our problems.
Your Creative Solutionist 617-283-5585
As pioneer solutionist Bill Gates suggested in a 2013 Wall Street Journal op-ed, it's highly extensible.
A Solutionist Exploration Consulting, 1313 E Maple St.
Shows include My Cool Inventions, Talkin' Pets with Jon Patch, Sunrise America and The Solutionist.
A solutionist has to suggest and optimalize a robotic workplace before he starts to form the robot programme.
Como Group Chief Solutionist Liam Thomas said "the initial launch of Como.Mobile was a huge success for Como Group and its participating customers, and as a result the demand has shifted to our clients requiring the ability to produce their own content on the fly without developer intervention."
Powers, NREMT-P, BCECR, runs Emergency Response Corps, a division of The Solutionist, a firm that specializes in disaster response and pre/post-disaster consulting.
``Any government may or may not find that comfortable but he is by conviction a solutionist. He would not be a lap dog and some people might find that a problem.''
The Moderns is a solutionist think tank that uses a multidisciplinary collaborative approach to "translate socially relevant strategies and environmentally smart designs into solid business opportunities."
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