

relating to a solution
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References in periodicals archive ?
This study examines the usefulness of GPR for identifying buried sinkholes in gypsum and characterizing the sinkhole origins as either solutional or collapse.
Sinkholes in the study area occur as filled and open forms, where open sinkholes are connected directly to solutional conduits.
The main objectives of this research were: 1) test the usefulness of GPR for characterizing sediment-filled sinkholes in the Castile Formation; 2) interpretation of subsurface hydrologically active karst features; 3) characterization of sinkhole origins as either solutional or collapse features; and 4) evaluation of the sedimentary fills in karst features.
These features were interpreted to be possible solutional holes and are located between 14-21 m and 28 - 34 m (Fig.
There was a subtle electrical contrast between the observed solutional features and the surrounding rock.
The stoping upward trend seen in the solutional feature is indicative of a collapsed sinkhole, as the radargram shows no direct connection to the surface.
These solutional holes show slight disturbances in the subsurface and a small electrical contrast in the subsurface with surrounding rocks.
Of course there are exceptions to these generalised notions such as karst landscapes in limestones, where solutional weathering can take place effectively at great depths.
Just as the concept of pumping more money into the public educational system continues to be pursued (by the NBA, et al., and the legislature) as a serious solutional approach to rectifying the core deficiencies of that system (e.g., the yearly production of a highly illiterate student population at all levels) in the face of no solid evidence supporting such an approach, so, in like manner, do I suggest the bankruptcy of the Bar's idea that spending some $750,000 or the like will make the slightest dent in the general public's negative perception of lawyers and the practice of law.
The Rainbow Lakes are solutional sinkholes formed in Devonian gypsum (Airphoto Analysis Associates 1979).
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