slip flow

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slip flow

(General Physics) physics gas flow occurring at hypersonic speeds in which molecular shearing occurs
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The extricate may be porous or rough where the no-slip movement is not feasible, which gives rise to the relative slip flow is directly proportional to the shear stress.
Boyd, "Momentum and heat transfer in a laminar boundary layer with slip flow," Journal of Thermo Physics and Heat Transfer, vol.
Andersson, "Slip flow past a stretching surface," Acta Mechanica, vol.
Gas flow in organic matter, natural fractures, and hydraulic fractures occurs via different mechanisms: continuum flow, slip flow, and Knudsen diffusion.
The created slip flow image is a nonstandard way of data representation.
Chauhan and Rastogi [9] have studied the Hall effects on MHD slip flow and heat transfer through a porous medium over an accelerated plate in a rotating system.
Also, slip flow of polyolefins has been reported when using solid-based processing additives like boron nitride and organoclays [14, 15].
Hayat, Stagnation slip flow and heat transfer over a nonlinear stretching sheet, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 27(2) (2011) 302--314.
Adesanya, "Steady magnetohydrodynamic visco-elastic heat generating /absorbing slip flow through a porous medium with radiation effect," International Journal of Heat and Technology, vol.
These papers showed clearly that the second-order slip flow model is necessary to predict the flow characteristics accurately.