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Related to sliotar: hurling


(Team Sports, other than specified) the ball used in hurling
[Irish Gaelic]
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A sliotar which reads "C'mon God's sake" in black biro - penned by Sr Patricia - hangs just above two criss-crossed white and green hurleys on the beautiful altar display.
My group had a great time flicking, hitting and passing the ball, or sliotar, to give it its Gaelic name.
Brothers Pearse senior team manager Dominic McKenna, a keen hurler, originally from Down, then staged a Poc Fada (hit the sliotar with a hurley) and Kick Fada (kick the ball) contest.
Although it has been non-stop rugby for Warren Gatland's men since they left the British Isles at the end of last month, a number of squad members swapped tackle pads and scrum machines for a hurley and sliotar on Thursday as they unwound with a spot of hurling after training in Brisbane.
The players use a wooden stick called a hurley to hit a small ball called a sliotar between the opponents' goalposts either over the crossbar for one point or under the crossbar into a net guarded by a goalkeeper for one goal, which is equivalent to three points.
SINCE the Coventry track reopening at the end of May, no dog has cost the punters more than Sliotar but surely that dismal run will come to an end tomorrow night when he looks the dot on the card in the last race at 10.10pm - an S3 event over 672 metres.
The Evan Williams-trained Deep Purple is one of eight to have been taken out, along with Tatenen, Tricky Trickster, Dream Alliance, Snowy Morning, Gullible Gordon, Meanus Dandy and The Sliotar.
The Sliotar (1.30) hasn't run since finishing behind subsequent RSA Chase winner Burton Port at Southwell back in February and the gelding has changed yards since that run and makes his debut for Philip Hobbs this afternoon.
There are two pieces of equipment - the hurley, a stick varying in length that is curved and made of ash, and the sliotar, a small leather ball similar to the one used in field hockey.
Which sport, of Celtic origin, uses a ball called a sliotar? 8.
He said the game features hurleys, or flat sticks made of ash, a baseball-type ball called a sliotar (pronounced "slitter") and strikes that send the ball flying faster than 90 miles per hour.