sleep deprivation

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Noun1.sleep deprivation - a form of psychological torture inflicted by depriving the victim of sleep
torturing, torture - the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession"
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Concern has been raised in many countries about sleep deprivation in school-aged children.
Sleep loss effects can be evaluated by several methodologies, including acute total or selective sleep deprivation and sleep restriction (also called partial sleep deprivation) or sleep fragmentation.
The WHO in 2007 classified sleep deprivation (particularly in reference to night shift work) as a probable carcinogen.
With sleep deprivation running rampant among teens to the point that it is now ( considered an epidemic , it's time to reconsider just how unhealthy our sleeping patterns have become.
Sleep deprivation may become so severe that it causes health problems which may be recognised as disabilities under the Equality Act 2010.
a night of sleep deprivation. After each night of deprivation, their peptide hormone "ghrelin"--which promotes appetite--increased.
1 / 2 According to a 2016 report from the not-for-profit research institute Rand Europe, sleep deprivation was directly related to lower productivity.
Sleep deprivation can contribute to a host of mental and physical problems, including depression,diabetes, and impaired cognitive functioning.
This can also be blamed on technology and the subsequent invention of numerous gadgets such as smartphones, which have become the key factors contributing to sleep deprivation in the society.
Most of us will have experienced sleep deprivation. Whether you're staying up to meet a work deadline, socialising beyond your bedtime, or you're woken up by the kids, there aren't many of us who get our full quota of sleep all of the time.
figure By THE NEW YORK TIMES Veteran insomniacs know in their bones what science has to say about sleep deprivation and pain: that the two travel together, one fuelling the other.
The study, published in the Anesthesia academic journal, shows that DNA repair gene expression is lower at baseline among night workers and further decreases after acute sleep deprivation, which supports the postulation that night workers demonstrate impaired DNA repair.