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Title: Cancer prevalence is increased in females with sleep apnoea: data from the ESADA study
ISLAMABAD -- A recent study categorizing people with obstructive sleep apnoea based on their differing symptoms found a strong link between excessive daytime sleepiness and cardiovascular disease.
People with obstructive sleep apnoea, a leading cause of snoring, have worse memories of years gone by.
The clinical significance of sleep apnoea in workers exposed to organic solvents: implications for the diagnosis of organic solvent encephalopathy.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a very common disorder affecting people of all ages, but the prevalence is more in the middle-aged and elderly.
Then it's time to visit an oral maxillofacial dental surgeon to rule out the possibility of sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is quite a serious problem and it happens when a person's sleep is disrupted owing to lack of breath.
ISLAMABAD -- A study by author Charles Bouchard, MD, and colleagues reported that 53 percent of sleep apnoea patients had upper eyelids that were lax and rubbery.
Maguire, "Obstructive sleep apnoea in adult indigenous populations in high-income countries: an integrative review," Sleep and Breathing, vol.
HealthDay News | NYT Syndicate THERE'S no shortage of jokes about people who snore, but the serious snoring of sleep apnoea is no laughing matter.
Summary: Early detection and treatment of sleep apnoea is warranted to prevent future cardio-metabolic disease, say doctors
"Reversal of obstructive sleep apnoea by continuous positive airway pressure applied through the nares".
London, September 9 ( ANI ): Scientists in Sweden monitored the sleep patterns of adult women overnight and found that half of them experienced at least five episodes an hour when they stopped breathing for longer than 10 seconds - the minimum definition of sleep apnoea.