shock front

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Related to shock front: Shock Waves

shock front

The boundary between the pressure disturbance created by an explosion (in air, water, or earth) and the ambient atmosphere, water, or earth.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The team was able to measure the detailed effects on both the upstream and downstream sides of the shock front, allowing them to begin to differentiate the mechanisms involved in the transfer of energy between the two clouds, something that physicists have spent years trying to figure out.
Angelo Alessio is a shock front runner to replace Steve Clarke as Kilmarnock boss.
With increasing propagation distance, the boundary condition of a rigid wall means the energy of the shock front gradually decreases [11].
It's a hot, massive O star with a relative motion fast enough--roughly 24 km/s--to be "supersonic." As this massive star plows through space, astronomers discovered, its strong outflowing wind causes interstellar gas and dust to stack up in front of it, like the shock front of air that piles up ahead of a high-performance jet.
A primary blast injury occurs as the shock front and the overpressure blast wave move through the body.
In the experiments the dense gas clumps or gas clouds that surround an exploding star were simulated by introducing a plastic grid to disturb the shock front.
Then the flame is decelerated for the first time, due to a first shock front reflected from the end wall.
The first baffle off the muzzle is stainless, so as to stand up to the shock front of gases and particles.
If a medium is shocked, particles behind the shock front experience both compressive and shear forces.
It should be noted that the wave, reflected from the shock front of a narrow pulse, is shorter than the wave, reflected from the shock front of a wide pulse, and becomes a shock in a shorter time interval (similar to waves propagating to the right).