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Showtime (a cable television channel).
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References in classic literature ?
"Sho! I wouldn't be as ignorant as that if I was you, Huck Finn.
"Sho!--I wonder, now," he muttered; then a tender light came into his faded eyes.
"I tuck out en shin down de hill, en 'spec to steal a skift 'long de sho' som'ers 'bove de town, but dey wuz people a-stirring yit, so I hid in de ole tumble-down cooper-shop on de bank to wait for everybody to go
Sometimes dey'd pull up at de sho' en take a res' b'fo' dey started acrost, so by de talk I got to know all 'bout de killin'.
'Clah to goodness if dat conceit o' yo'n strikes in, Jasper, it gwine to kill you sho'.
now, I want to know?" said the good man, pitifully; "sho! now sho!
His wife, and their only colored domestic, old Aunt Dinah, were busily engaged in restorative measures; while old Cudjoe had got the boy on his knee, and was busy pulling off his shoes and stockings, and chafing his little cold feet.
There were little coats of many a form and pattern, piles of aprons, and rows of small stockings; and even a pair of little shoes, worn and rubbed at the toes, were peeping from the folds of a paper.
a body ought to discriminate -- they come together with great random, and a spear is brast, and one party brake his shield and the other one goes down, horse and man, over his horse-tail and brake his neck, and then the next candidate comes randoming in, and brast HIS spear, and the other man brast his shield, and down HE goes, horse and man, over his horse-tail, and brake HIS neck, and then there's another elected, and another and another and still another, till the material is all used up; and when you come to figure up results, you can't tell one fight from another, nor who whip- ped; and as a PICTURE, of living, raging, roaring battle, sho! why, it's pale and noiseless -- just ghosts scuffling in a fog.
A police spokesman said Jehanian SHO Afzal Mahar was arrested for absence from duty for four days without permission and Khanewal DPO Asad Sarfraz ordered a team to arrest him.
He told the court that his brother was not required by the police in any criminal case and the SHO was keeping him in illegal custody and demanding bribes for his release.
The injured police officer was shifted to the JPMC, where the medico-legal officer said that SHO Butt had sustained a bullet injury in the lower back.