salutatory address

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Noun1.salutatory address - an opening or welcoming statement (especially one delivered at graduation exercises)
oratory - addressing an audience formally (usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous); "he loved the sound of his own oratory"
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References in periodicals archive ?
A YouTube video of the Salutatory Address of Krisel Mallari during the Santo NiAaAaAeA~o Parochial School's 13th Commencement Exercises on Mar 21 is being shared by netizens on Facebook.
The aspects of sacrifice and victimization are particularly evident in the metaphorical connection created between the soldiers (in brown uniforms) and the animals (in the word "flock"), thereby shaming the "wild beast of battle." This connection also expresses the grotesque; for the combination of the abstract souls of the dead and the actual mutilation of their bodies emphasizes the physical, frightening ugliness of the phrase "the eyeless dead." Despite this, however, the speaker finds comfort in the salutatory address by the figure of "Death" to the soldiers' bravery.