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(Other Non-sporting Hobbies) a person who collects or who is interested in rocks and minerals
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Piute County sits on some of the most interesting geology in the country - a rockhound's dream vacation, due to several ancient volcanoes and calderas.
class="font-size--16 MsoNormalSeveral Kenya Re officials are accused of hatching a scheme in which Rockhound, where Ms Kimingi is a director, did not pay for the house as monies presented to the reinsurer had been premiums collected from two insurance firms.
All you need to do is simply take a stroll around your yard, street or local park, pick up a rock or mineral that catches your eye, and bingo -- you're a rockhound.
Gallin, a rockhound from the age of five after he found a garnet crystal lying amid a gravel gas station parking lot during a family road trip, worked with Wise and Post to winnow down selections for the exhibit.
Rockhound: An Experience of the North By Michael Gordon, 2015.
While the men and women employed in our nation's mines are trained to work in a safe manner, for the unauthorized explorer, hiker, off-roader or rockhound, the hazards are not always apparent.
What is a paleontologist but a rockhound with a degree?
This book might be just the thing for the serious-minded young adult rockhound (it is written on a professional level, far too difficult for elementary students), or geologist or mineral enthusiast who wants to understand the structures responsible for the appearance of quartz specimens.
While sitting on the launch pad in the movie "Armageddon", Rockhound, played by Steve Buscemi, looks over at Harry, played by Bruce Willis, and says, "You know we are sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder." That is my favorite line in the movie!
In the spring of 1857 Sir William Edmond Logan (1795-1876), Director of the GSC, knowing that Robert Bell (Fig.1), not yet sixteen and well-versed (under his father's influence) in natural history, would be a good bet to turn into a 'rockhound', took him into the GSC as an assistant.
The newly remodeled academy in Golden Gate Park may be a splendid building with shrubbery on the roof and fluttering butterflies in the rain forest, Halpern said, but it committed the ghastly sin of purging its fabled gem and mineral hall, the chamber that captivated Halpern on his initial visit six decades ago and turned him into a rockhound. He has donated hundreds of specimens to the academy, worth tens of thousands of dollars.
August for the annual Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree of early fall when the trees provide colour in addition to the gems.