rocket engineer

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Related to rocket engineer: aeronautical engineer
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Noun1.rocket engineer - an engineer who builds and tests rocketsrocket engineer - an engineer who builds and tests rockets
applied scientist, engineer, technologist - a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
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References in periodicals archive ?
Film participant, Rocket Engineer Rocco Lardiere, whose 35-year career was inspired by Bonestell's art, also joins the Q&A panel.
Few scholars would contest that Wernher von Braun, a skillful rocket engineer in his own right, managed to promote and establish himself as the preeminent rocket scientist in American history.
Edinburgh-based space company Skyrora is teaming up with an acclaimed rocket engineer to create the UK's first wholly private space launch.
Especially when she is writing about her brother and their strained relationship with their alcoholic, rocket engineer father, the depth of her intellectual understanding is heartrendingly revealed.
But that hasn't stopped the self-taught rocket engineer from building a rocket - his third, at the very least - a manned aircraft that he will launch himself in Saturday, Nov.
Also this week, a tribute to Elvis Presley on the 40th anniversary of his death and Elin meets passionate Welshman and rocket engineer Rob Jones from Alabama.
These striking qualities of an endearing human being with a self effacing nature were evident when I met him for the first time in July 1980 moments after his very first crowning moments of triumph as a rocket engineer after the launch of the SLV -3 successfully from the Sriharikota space station.
The university's team, named Team HARE, invited representatives from The Bloodhound Project - UK Education Director Jonathan Ellis and rocket engineer Daniel Jubb - to unveil this year's vehicle, which bears the name HARE 13.
It doesn't take a rocket engineer to figure that out.
You don't need to be a rocket engineer to figure that out." Through it all, there's a prestigious golf tournament to be won that offers $1.71 million to the winner, along with a three-year exemption to the Masters and British Open, and a five-year exemption on the PGA Tour.
"The plants would be much smaller and less expensive," Kirk Sorensen, a former NASA rocket engineer and now chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering, told the UK's Telegraph last year.
An inquest was held last week at Hartlepool Coroner's Court into the death of Mr Bagley, a rocket engineer. He died after planning the explosion in a Nissan Micra at a deserted industrial site in Hartlepool.