References in classic literature ?
A RATTLESNAKE came home to his brood and said: "My children, gather about and receive your father's last blessing, and see how a Christian dies."
In the interior was displayed a stuffed alligator, a rattlesnake's skin, a bundle of Indian arrows, an old-fashioned matchlock gun, a walking-stick of Governor Winthrop's, a wig of old Cotton Mather's, and a colored print of the Boston massacre.
"Do you think it's a rattlesnake?" she asked, maintaining a calmness she did not feel.
I went to the cavern to get some, and found a rattlesnake in there.
Cuvier, in opposition to some other naturalists, makes this a sub-genus of the rattlesnake, and intermediate between it and the viper.
"He thought he saw a Rattlesnake That questioned him in Greek: He looked again, and found it was The Middle of Next Week.
"To me he is power--he is the primitive, the wild wolf, the striking rattlesnake, the stinging centipede," said Arrellano.
Most of the men, when they came out, made straight for a saloon--they seemed to place fertilizer and rattlesnake poison in one class.
Then Joe and Huck had another swim, but Tom would not venture, because he found that in kicking off his trousers he had kicked his string of rattlesnake rattles off his ankle, and he wondered how he had escaped cramp so long without the pro- tection of this mysterious charm.
Bradbury, in the course of his botanical researches, found a surprising number in a half torpid state, under flat stones upon the banks which overhung the cantonment, and narrowly escaped being struck by a rattlesnake, which darted at him from a cleft in the rock, but fortunately gave him warning by his rattle.
'Not a rattleSNAKE, you know,' she added hastily, thinking that he was frightened: only an old rattle--quite old and broken.'
For more than a week we had seen, besides ourselves and our animals, only such living things as rattlesnakes and horned toads.