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1. a rattle made out of a bag containing small objects
2. an assortment, variety
rattly, shaky, ramshackle
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The current exhibition, Rattlebag offers a collection of 20x20cm prints from both Northern Print artists and other printmakers from around the world - and don't forget, if you fancy making a more substantial purchase, you can sign up to Arts Council England's Own Art Scheme, which allows you to pay over 10 interestfree monthly payments.
Shapes And Shadows, his acclaimed debut album, made a impressive progression from his band and the 2014 release of Rattlebag sealed his solo status.
His latest album Rattlebag is a collection of poetic tales of salvation and redemption, of sanctuary and braving rocky seas in search of distant shores.
Gaiman offers his own ingenious spin on Sherlock Holmes in his award-nominated mystery tale The Case of Death and Honey, whilst Click-Clack the Rattlebag explains the creaks and clatter we hear when we're all alone in the darkness.
The rattlebag song-style mix is effective, from a listener's perspective, although sometimes it sounds a bit like someone's iPod left on shuffle.
It's that without patronising and without condescension he began to take a rattlebag of kids with their neuroses and fears and difficult lives and out of them coax ambition, self-belief and hope.
Eimear Kinane has started a business that Haverty describes in the Rattlebag interview as "theme-park Ireland." She makes a living, albeit a rather meager one, from "the preservation, and when necessary the re-invention, of Old Ireland." Kinane is sincere in her attempts to bring back various aspects of Irish culture she believes are important to Ireland's national identity, especially traditional Irish cooking.
New RTE Radio 1 chief Ana Leddy announced she was getting rid of long-standing shows Rattlebag and Mystery Train on Thursday.
At yesterday's launch, senior officers watched actors from Merseyside group Rattlebag recreate an unprovoked attack on a black teenager by racist thugs.
ARATTLEBAG: A Rattlebag is a collection of things: of stuff and words, of ideas and songs, and even tricks of long division.
Also in the Halloween spirit, Audible.com has been giving away a free recording of author Neil Gaiman's spooky short story, "Click-Clack the Rattlebag." We heard him read the story on Book TV, the other day, and it's absolutely wonderful.
She was a rattlebag of conflictions and genius, but someone who was fierce in her determination to do things her own way.