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Related to quandong: quandong tree


also quan·dang  (kwŏn′dŏng′)
1. An Australian shrub or small tree (Santalum acuminatum) that is hemiparasitic on the roots of other plants and bears edible red fruit.
2. An Australian tree (Elaeocarpus angustifolius) having glossy leaves, greenish-white flowers, and shiny bright blue fruit.

[Wiradhuri (Pama-Nyungan language of southeast Australia) guwandhaaŋ.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkwɒnˌdɒŋ) or




1. (Plants) a small Australian santalaceous tree, Eucarya acuminata (or Fusanus acuminatus)
2. (Cookery) the edible fruit or nut of this tree, used in preserves
3. (Plants) an Australian tree, Elaeocarpus grandis: family Elaeocarpaceae
4. (Forestry) the pale easily worked timber of this tree
5. informal Austral a person who takes advantage of other people's generosity
[from a native Australian language]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.quandong - Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seedquandong - Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed
native peach, quantong, quandang, quandong - red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jam
quandong nut - edible nutlike seed of the quandong fruit
tree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
2.quandong - the fruit of the Brisbane quandong tree
Brisbane quandong, Elaeocarpus grandis, silver quandong tree, blue fig, quandong tree, quandong - Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
fruit - the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
3.quandong - Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
Elaeocarpus, genus Elaeocarpus - type genus of the family Elaeocarpaceae
silver quandong - pale easily worked timber from the quandong tree
blue fig, quandong - the fruit of the Brisbane quandong tree
tree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
4.quandong - red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jam
edible fruit - edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh
Eucarya acuminata, Fusanus acuminatus, quandang, quandong, quandong tree - Australian tree with edible flesh and edible nutlike seed
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Luxurious skincare with traditional Aboriginal ingredients!"Combining the best practices of skincare manufacturing for the last 23 years, and in keeping with its philosophy of innovation and continuous improvements G&M Cosmetics has launched a Native Australian Range featuring Australian indigenous ingredients like Kakadu Plum, Native Finger Limes and Native Quandong fruits.
The second course was kangaroo tail, yolk, quandong (a native peach) and saltbush.
Marrakan 'canoe' is an extended use of the name of the tall softwood Red Cedar (Toona ciliata), abundant in the rainforested Kuku Yalanji country and favoured by Yalanji boat-builders for the hull, although Blue Quandong (Elaeocarpus grandis) and other trees were also used (Doreen Doughboy and the late Harry Shipton, pers.
9 What is a quandong? 10 Which country is the largest producer of tea?
Quandong and Xin, [8] presents an automatic visual inspection system for circular objects.
We stop for lunch at the general store, where I devour ameat pie and a quandong old steel windmill creaks as it slowly spins and a lizard scuttles across the entrance as we approach the door.
We stop for lunch at the general store, where I devour a meat pie and a quandong old steel windmill creaks as it slowly spins and a lizard scuttles across the entrance as we approach the door.
In four observations, catbirds fed on unripe fruits from Brush Muttonwood Myrsine howittiana, Red Ash Alphitonia excelsa, Moreton Bay Fig Ficus macrophylla and White Quandong Elaeocarpus kirtonii.
Dishes focus on Australia's outback cuisine and Aboriginal culture, with orders such as kangaroo sirloin (Dh140, served with sweet potato fritter, quandong chili glaze and pak choi), baked barramundi and seared Queensland scallops, with an open fire pit in the restaurant.
Other hot appetizers to try are Barramundi (sea bass) and vegetable spring rolls with sweet quandong chutney, and the Seared Queensland Scallops that were a hit with the media night cocktail crowd.
The animal food resources, including kangaroo, emu, bush turkey, lizard, goanna and witchetty grub, and plants foods, including native millet, mulga seeds, bush tomato, quandong and native fig, were hunted and gathered (Edwards 1998:40).