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Related to punto: fiat


n, pl -tos
1. (Fencing) fencing a hit or sword thrust
2. obsolete a tiny detail
3. obsolete a point of time
4. (Medicine) obsolete a tingling sensation
5. (Ceramics) ceramics a rod used in glass-making
6. (Card Games) cards the ace of trumps in some games
Also called: puncto
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
And I would teach these nineteen the special rules, as your punto,* your reverso, your stoccata, your imbroccata, your passada, your montanto; till they could all play very near, or altogether, as well as myself.
If Colgate Palmolive's deal to purchase Costa Rica's Punto Rojo goes ahead, the market will be divided between the company and Unilever Central America, reports elfinancierocr.com (Sept.
BIG ZERO There hasn't been an all-new Fiat Punto for over a decade because they simply couldn't afford to renew the ageing hatchback.
Auto Business News-October 31, 2016--Fiat India to launch Fiat Punto Karbon and Fiat Linea Royale limited editions
Dados una funcion f y un punto inicial [x.sub.0], el efecto de aplicar sucesivamente la funcionf al punto [x.sub.0], produce las iteradas de la funcion f en el punto [x.sub.0], o la orbita de f en el punto [x.sub.0], representada por O([x.sub.0]), es decir,
Summary: Fiat has launched the Grande Punto in an all-new avatar.