

hurling a free hit from the goal area made by the goalkeeper
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Then from the puckout the ball was worked down to Schutte who took off on a stunning solo run down the left and fired to the roof of the net.
Gillane scored it and the very next thing Huw did was demand the puckout.
Gillane scored it and the very next thing Huw did was demand the puckout. Took the puckout, ran 50/60 yards up the middle of the pitch, took a onetwo and that's a great sign, to get a reaction."
Brian Hogan (left) appears to have the longest puckout off all, which can apply serious pressure on defences.
A brilliant team score, worked from Donal Tuohy's puckout to Colm Galvin to Seadna Morey, who fed Conor Cleary to release David Fitzgerald.
He explains: "I presume Cork have been working away trying to change different patterns and styles of play for their puckout over the last number of weeks, just to throw Sean off the scent because he's excellent at his job.
From the resultant Anthony Nash puckout, Seamus Harnedy fielded it brilliantly and took off before offloading to Luke Meade.
match stats 53% POSSESSION 47% 20/26 PUCKOUTS WON 13/37 14 FREES CONCEDED 10 18 TURNOVERS WON 36 48 HOOKS/BLOCKS/TACKLES 40 11 WIDES 6 1 0 CARDS 1 1 REF: J Owens (Wex) ATT: 82,300 TRUE GREIGHTS Seamus Callanan celebrates his eighth goal in as many games, right, Niall O'Meara scores and, below 'Bubbles' wraps it up
Donal Tuohy was under pressure with his puckouts, Galway were dominating the physical exchanges and pounced on unforced errors to build a 0-6 to 0-1 lead after just 12 minutes.
Might have done better for Niall O'Meara's goal while Kilkenny's return from puckouts was poor.