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obsolete puckishness
1. winemaking (of wine) high in tannins
2. causing puckering or tending to pucker
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(Napa Valley; $26) Exotic aromas of lemongrass, fresh herbs, and white blossoms are followed by bright but creamy Clementine, pink grape-fruit, and puckery lemon zest.
We'll be trying to use these words this week New words Asperous: bitter and rough on the palate Eg: celery Hogo: highly flavoured or seasoned (from the French 'haute gout') Eg: sausage Friable: easily crumbled Eg: shortbread Puckery: sour enough to make your mouth pucker Eg: preserved lemons Mordacious: sharp and possessing real bite Eg: mustard Say 'This asparagus is weirdly asperous: I don't think it's in season yet.' y Say 'Your venison sausages are so hogo, Hugo.' Say 'Oxo cubes may be friable, but I tried and they ain't deep fry-able.' Say 'This is strong tequila, Mother!
Of these options, citric acid (usually available where canning jars are sold) is least likely to adversely affect flavor, although in all cases the acidified tomatoes, and any dish made with them, will be quite puckery. The recommended remedy is to add sugar to each jar or to the recipe in which acidified canned tomatoes are used.
Pucker: A Cookbook for Citrus Lovers gathers nearly a hundred recipes from breads and cocktails to main dishes, and provides a fine survey that relies on lemons, lines, and puckery citrus to create a refreshing feel for summer dishes and a rich overtone in winter fare.
"Many consumers have grown up with those tart and 'puckery' flavors, from candy like Sour Patch Kids and historically we've seen a trend toward more complex and intense flavors," Chapman said.
It is the drying or "puckery" sensation that is often confused with bitterness.
Satire was always a specialty of Roman poetry, and Giorgio Roberti's aptly-named <i>A Stick in the Eye</i> takes up where Martial, Catullus and Juvenal left off, pouring some very puckery new wine into the old bottle of the sonnet.
This puckery pastiche of securities is backed by mortgages on some of the most cutting-edge innovations in tan stucco amid parched yet seductively abandoned remoteness.
If there is too little acid, a wine will be flat or flabby, but too much makes the wine puckery or sour tasting.