References in classic literature ?
Him fella Sati buy 'm slop chest along plantation two tens pounds and one fella pound.
"It was so at its first discovery, but it has fallen now to nine dollars a pound."
Garth had failed in the building business, which he had unfortunately added to his other avocations of surveyor, valuer, and agent, had conducted that business for a time entirely for the benefit of his assignees, and had been living narrowly, exerting himself to the utmost that he might after all pay twenty shillings in the pound. He had now achieved this, and from all who did not think it a bad precedent, his honorable exertions had won him due esteem; but in no part of the world is genteel visiting founded on esteem, in the absence of suitable furniture and complete dinner-service.
S'pose you like 'm, me take 'm one fella pound along you in big book.
"Take that to the banker's, and bring back a five-hundred pound note," she said.
'I should say, three pound ten was plenty,' said Mr.
The doctor, according to very accurate calculations, found that, including the articles indispensable to his journey and his apparatus, he should have to carry a weight of 4,000 pounds; therefore he had to find out what would be the ascensional force of a balloon capable of raising such a weight, and, consequently, what would be its capacity.
That the Trust was to lapse, and that the young gentleman was to receive the twenty thousand pounds on the day when he came of age, in the month of February, eighteen hundred and fifty.
a fellow who makes off with fifty-five thousand pounds, no robber?"
At the account Philip had to pay out nearly forty pounds. It worried him considerably, but he felt that the only course was to hold on: in his circumstances the loss was too great for him to pocket.
There were poor old men, trying to get a horse or a pony for a few pounds, that might drag about some little wood or coal cart.
Tell him my charge for this important news is two pounds ten.'