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Noun1.popularism - music adapted to the understanding and taste of the majority
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
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Contemporary liberalism and popularism polarize politics and undermine parliamentary democracy at a time when democracy needs a serious conversation about what people share as citizens, what binds them together as members of national and cultural communities.
He, like many others, attributes the retreat from multilateralism to self-centred nationalism to the rise of popularism. It 'didn't start with Trump', says Saunders, 'all around in Europe, Russia, Middle East, Asia and elsewhere we are seeing movements led by demagogues who exploit people's fears to achieve and hold onto power'.
Ayatollah Khamenei, explicating Imam Khomeini's standpoint on people's role, says, "The claim of popularism in all systems- even the despotic ones- exists; but it is important as where the status, position, right and role of the people is taken into account.
There are of course presentiments of Robert Burns here, not only in the justification of bawdy expression as a vehicle for true morality founded in the common sense of ordinary people, but also in the foreshadowing of Burns's political popularism. Burns's celebrated radical song 'A Man's a Man for a' That', of course, uses a remarkably similar term to Ramsay's 'a brave Man can be as meritorious in Hodden-gray as in velvet' to make a remarkably similar point--that it is not the superficial trappings and refinement of status that matter but the inner moral value beyond the external signs:
The Government must act in the country's best interest, not ideology and popularism."
Fresh from touring the world with Joe Henry and galvanised by "events", not least the worrying rise of popularism, Billy Bragg is dealing with it in the best way he knows how, by strapping on his electric guitar and heading out on tour across the UK and Europe.
MUSIC Billy Bragg Fresh from touring the world with Joe Henry and galvanised by events, not least the ''worrying rise of popularism'', Billy is dealing with it in the best way he knows how, by strapping on his guitar and heading out on his Bridges Not Walls tour.
In the autopsy of her defeat, some indisputable factors have been cited, including Russian interference, the FBI's handling of the email scandal, her perceived elitism and untrustworthy character and Trump's exploitation of the rise of popularism over policy.
The party was founded by the late Reverend Ian Paisley, a firebrand politician whose mix of popularism and Free Methodist Presbyterianism was encapsulated in the loyalist catchphrase of "No surrender".
Another great chasm that has opened is high culture versus popularism so you have Tony 'Royal Opera House' Hall against Tony 'Top 40' Blackburn.
(8) Eventually, as Wittman (1989:1396) argues, this line of reasoning leads that competition for political office reduces the potential for opportunism and/or popularism by politicians.
All the texts represented here are centred on the person of Christ but are otherwise very varied, and Maureen Boulton is at pains to stress the contrast between the theological sophistication of Grosseteste's Castle of Love and the popularism of, for instance, The Childhood of Jesus Christ or Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln.