Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

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Noun1.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - a terrorist group of limited popularity formed in 1967 after the Six-Day War; combined Marxist-Leninist ideology with Palestinian nationalism; used terrorism to gain attention for their cause; hoped to eliminate the state of Israel
act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
Palestine - a former British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948
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Less than a year later, Yasser Arafat, the head of Fateh, became chairman as both Fateh and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) made substantial political gains.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine -- General Command - Also based in Lebanon, this group makes up the second largest under the Palestine Liberation Front (PLO) umbrella and has an ideological mix of Palestinian nationalism, secularism, and Marxism-Leninism.
The Israeli military said it targeted Ahmad Znin, an operative in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
NNA - Israeli aircraft fired on Friday at dawn a rocket on the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command, located in Nmeh, according to NNA field reporter.
It is this pro-Syrian inclination of his that put him in permanent antagonism with Yasser Arafat, an advocate of "independent Palestinian decision-making." Before that, he broke with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which George Habash had made into the house of Palestinian political mysticism, so to speak, and one that was poor in both politics and meaning.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attacks, which occurred shortly after an Israeli serviceman was wounded by a bomb on Gaza's northern border.
Israel on Sunday confirmed that more than 230 Palestinian prisoners in its jails are observing a hunger strike but said their condition remains "satisfactory." Around 50 security prisoners from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) began an open-ended hunger strike on September 27 that is still ongoing, Israel Prisons Service said, AFP reported.
Baqeri held separate meetings with the Islamic Jihad Movement Ramadan and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP.
The statement was read by Maher al-Taher, a senior official in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that does not usually toe the Hamas line.
The left-wing Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) factions also signed the statement.
Earlier on Sunday, fighters from Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the National Brigades, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said they traded fire with Israeli troops in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.
The left-wing organizations in the new government would include the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

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