pitching change

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pitching change - replacing a pitcher in baseball
replacement, replacing - the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another; "replacing the star will not be easy"
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References in periodicals archive ?
After a pitching change, Cletis Avery then took the first pitch he saw over the right-center field fence for a grand slam home run, tying the game at 5-5.
Cole scored on a single by DeLap, followed by another RBI double from Sarah Sheppler to make it 3-0, forcing a pitching change by Lebanon from starter Riley Johnson to Lauren Christie.
Girardi orchestrated a poignant departure for closing pitcher Mariano Rivera last year, sending Jeter and pitcher Andy Pettitte to the mound to execute the pitching change that let Rivera leave the field to an ovation from fans.
Rick Reilly, commentating at the recent baseball game between San Francisco Giants and Colorado Rockies, later admitted he misidentified players and even failed to notice an entire pitching change.
After the Gators put two runners on with one out in the top of the eighth, Sycamore made a pitching change that worked when No.
Lester's uniform was hanging in his locker as the Boston clubhouse emptied on Tuesday night, and his personal belongings were all in place, but the spot seemed almost like a museum display after Farrell announced the pitching change.
By the time Vancouver (21-16) got the first out of the sixth inning, there had been seven Eugene batters, an error and wild pitch, four runs and a pitching change. Three batters after Vancouver ended reliever Tim Brechbuehler's nightmare outing with Scott Silverstein, Blanco grooved his pitch to left field for a homer to take an 8-0 lead.
Erin Baldwin (1) stranded a runner on in the sixth and seventh innings, before manager Vince Harrison went to a pitching change in the eighth with two runners on.
Cody Smith was hit by a pitch two batters later, which resulted in a Barnstable pitching change.
After a pitching change, Michael Bass grounded into a game-ending double play.
After a pitching change, Chase Rosen and Ray Petzold both then scored to tie the game at 6-6.