pitcher's mound

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pitcher's mound

Mound near the center of the infield from which the pitcher throws the ball.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pitcher's mound - (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher standspitcher's mound - (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
baseball diamond, infield, diamond - the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate
baseball equipment - equipment used in playing baseball
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Both teams were strong on the pitcher's mound on Saturday, Aug.
"In those timeouts around the pitcher's mound, we'd take time to argue about who was going to win the welterweight championship fight, or what was the best steakhouse in the town we were playing in, or what to get somebody for a wedding present.
The 5,700-square-foot ball field, donated by the Catch 22 Foundation, resembles an actual field (at approximately one-half the size of a standard Little League T-ball field) with synthetic grass, painted bases, and pitcher's mound. The perimeter of the field maintains a flat surface that accommodates all patients, including those in wheelchairs, stretchers, or carrying necessary medical equipment.
The grounds crew had to tend to the pitcher's mound several times.
* ATHLETIC FIELDS The most common drill for teaching hand signals is called "retriever baseball." In this drill, the dog sits at the center of an imaginary diamond--the pitcher's mound position, if you will.
Maybe if Bilal can prove himself on the pitcher's mound, his father will make it to see him play.
Emirates Cabin Crew Waving to Fans After LA Dodgers-Emirates Cabin Crew Safety-Inspired Demonstration Image Credit: Emirates Airlines Emirates Cabin Crew walking towards pitcher's mound for Safety-Inspired Demonstration at Dodger's Stad Image Credit: Emirates Airlines Throwing the first pitch after the LA Dodgers-Emirates Cabin Crew Safety-Inspired Demonstration Image Credit: Emirates Airlines Mariam M.
"We played in a couple of interesting grounds - one of those was Yankee Stadium which still had the pitcher's mound on the field of play and that was a wee bit different.
Darryl had taken his mother's peculiar attention to his body temperature as typical motherly devotion until the afternoon he stood on the pitcher's mound in the midst of his very first Little League game with the batter at the plate and suddenly his mother crashed through the chain-link fence along the first base line, sprinted across the infield, and, with her one hand cupping the back of Darryl's head, buried his face in a cold, wet washcloth with the other.
Ten years ago I walked my youngest daughter from home plate to the pitcher's mound where she said her wedding vows during one of the summer games.
The third baseman would take left field, pushing the left fielder to center and ultimately the right fielder to the pitcher's mound. The umpires have to move around game to game, so why not the players inning to inning?