phantom pregnancy

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Related to phantom pregnancy: false pregnancy

phantom pregnancy

(Gynaecology & Obstetrics) the occurrence of signs of pregnancy, such as enlarged abdomen and absence of menstruation, when no embryo is present, due to hormonal imbalance. Also called: false pregnancy or pseudopregnancy Technical name: pseudocyesis
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

phantom pregnancy

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References in periodicals archive ?
Trying to hide her looted groceries from her husband, Jack, and later a series of police officers, she conjures up a tall story involving her infertile friend Maggie's phantom pregnancy, an imaginary saint and a tin of dog food.
Adnexal mass, embryo, pelvic fluid, primitive cardiac tube pulse and intrauterine phantom pregnancy bursa were observed.
It looks like Ben has taken the news about the phantom pregnancy surprisingly well - but it turns out it was all a ploy so he could drag her into the Vic and publicly expose her as a liar.
VET SCHOOL ITV, 8pm Freddie the West Highland terrier undergoes complicated heart surgery, the farm vets tend to a goat that is displaying the symptoms of a phantom pregnancy and a wallaby with a very runny nose is treated.
Each story has its own voice - whether it's a lyrebird in an Australian forest, a person who has passed away or the baby of a phantom pregnancy. As a new writer, I wanted to research and imagine more, but I also liked the idea of providing opportunities to narrators who would not ordinarily be able to speak for themselves.
The vet says it is definitely not a phantom pregnancy."
However, if she has not been near an unaltered male recently she may be going through a phantom pregnancy, which are common in rabbits.
* abi confronts kirsty about her phantom pregnancy. * kat advises kirsty to stop calling Max but kirsty is unable to as she loves him too much.