Pharaoh of Egypt

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Noun1.Pharaoh of Egypt - the title of the ancient Egyptian kingsPharaoh of Egypt - the title of the ancient Egyptian kings
Cheops, Khufu - Egyptian Pharaoh of the 27th century BC who commissioned the Great Pyramid at Giza
ruler, swayer - a person who rules or commands; "swayer of the universe"
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According to Ancient History website, "in the seventh year of her regency, though, she changed the rules and had herself crowned Pharaoh of Egypt. She took on all the royal titles." Marc Van de Mieroop, a professor of Ancient Near Eastern history at Columbia University, noted on Ancient History website that Hatshepsut had been represented as a woman in earlier statues and relief sculptures, after her coronation as king though, she started appearing with male dresses and gradually became represented with male physique.
Exodus: Gods and Kings (Channel 4, 11.25pm) (2014) Moses, the adoptive brother of the pharaoh of Egypt, is sent into exile, where he receives a message from God demanding he set all the country's slaves free.
She was also the last true pharaoh of Egypt, who ruled an empire that included Egypt, Cyprus, part of modern-day Libya and other territories in the Middle East.
Radames is promised to be wed to Amneris (Paige Clore of Norris City) and to become the new pharaoh of Egypt.
All the great men of history claim they are sons of God from the pharaoh of Egypt to the Roman emperors to the emperors of Japan.
Named for the children of Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic pharaoh of Egypt, these satellites are quite small in size.
Under unbearable pressure, and with a mighty swing of his left foot, the new Pharaoh of Egypt took his nation back to the World Cup for the first time since 1990.
Sisi wants to be the latest Pharaoh of Egypt, and is serious about weeding out any potential resistance to his illegal power grab that has ousted a popularly elected president and his party.
They said the couple was married by the Pharaoh of Egypt, Joseph's former master, and one of their bases that they were Jesus and Mary Magdalene is the pharaoh's blessings which reads: "Blessed are you by the Lord God of Joseph, because he is the first-born of God, and you will be called the Daughter of God Most High and the bride of Joseph now and for ever."
He praised those militants for carrying out "blessed operations against the guards of the Jews, the soldiers of Sisi, the new Pharaoh of Egypt" -- a reference to Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi who succeeded Morsi.
The Pharaoh of Egypt, the 'superpower' of the Bronze Age, had a regular correspondence with the King of Alasia, who used to send him hundreds of copper ingots, in exchange for luxury goods.
Tausret: Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt. Edited by Richard H.