peace of mind

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Noun1.peace of mind - the absence of mental stress or anxietypeace of mind - the absence of mental stress or anxiety
quietude, quietness, tranquillity, tranquility - a state of peace and quiet
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(piːs) noun
1. (sometimes with a) (a time of) freedom from war; (a treaty or agreement which brings about) the end or stopping of a war. Does our country want peace or war?; (also adjective) a peace treaty.
2. freedom from disturbance; quietness. I need some peace and quiet.
ˈpeaceable adjective
liking peace; not fighting, quarrelling etc. He's a peaceable person.
ˈpeaceably adverb
ˈpeaceful adjective
quiet; calm; without worry or disturbance. It's very peaceful in the country.
ˈpeacefully adverb
ˈpeacefulness noun
ˈpeacemaker noun
a person who tries to make peace between enemies, people who are quarrelling etc. When my brother and sister quarrel I act as peacemaker.
ˈpeace-offering noun
something offered or given to make peace. She took him a drink as a peace-offering.
ˈpeacetime noun
a time when there is no war. Even in peacetime, a soldier's life is hard.
at peace
not at war; not fighting. The two countries were at peace.
in peace
1. without disturbance. Why can't you leave me in peace?
2. not wanting to fight. They said they came in peace.
make peace
to agree to end a war. The two countries finally made peace (with each other).
peace of mind
freedom from worry etc.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
"A exile from home splendour dazzles in vain, O give you your lowly Preparations again, The birds stuffed so sweetly that can't be expected to come at your call, Give you these with the peace of mind dearer than all.
Though Alexey Alexandrovitch was perfectly aware that he could not exert any moral influence over his wife, that such an attempt at reformation could lead to nothing but falsity; though in passing through these difficult moments he had not once thought of seeking guidance in religion, yet now, when his conclusion corresponded, as it seemed to him, with the requirements of religion, this religious sanction to his decision gave him complete satisfaction, and to some extent restored his peace of mind. He was pleased to think that, even in such an important crisis in life, no one would be able to say that he had not acted in accordance with the principles of that religion whose banner he had always held aloft amid the general coolness and indifference.
Now to this peace of mind the possession of wealth greatly contributes; and therefore I say, that, setting one thing against another, of the many advantages which wealth has to give, to a man of sense this is in my opinion the greatest.
You do care for your bosom friend's good name, and you do care for her peace of mind. Then remove the shadow of the gallows from her, dear one!'
As if that money could add a hair's breadth to happiness or peace of mind. Can anything in the world make her or me less a prey to evil and death?- death which ends all and must come today or tomorrow- at any rate, in an instant as compared with eternity." And again he twisted the screw with the stripped thread, and again it turned uselessly in the same place.
Even when Mary fled from the shop where she had left her watch, and I had peace of mind to note how thin and worn she had become, as if her baby was grown too big for her slight arms, even then I was light-hearted.
If you value your peace of mind and the happiness of your life to come, abstain from attempting to know more than you know now."
After praying fervently, and with many bursting tears, for the old man, and the restoration of his peace of mind and the happiness they had once enjoyed, she would lay her head upon the pillow and sob herself to sleep: often starting up again, before the day-light came, to listen for the bell and respond to the imaginary summons which had roused her from her slumber.
I could not think that this earth contained a place for sufferings and terrors so unmanning; and you can do but one thing, Utterson, to lighten this destiny, and that is to respect my silence." Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked.
She had no such object for her lingering thoughts to fix on, she left no creature behind, from whom it would give her a moment's regret to be divided for ever, she was pleased to be free herself from the persecution of Lucy's friendship, she was grateful for bringing her sister away unseen by Willoughby since his marriage, and she looked forward with hope to what a few months of tranquility at Barton might do towards restoring Marianne's peace of mind, and confirming her own.
As soon as they had made their meager breakfast of salt pork, coffee and biscuit, Clayton commenced work upon their house, for he realized that they could hope for no safety and no peace of mind at night until four strong walls effectually barred the jungle life from them.
To wait until the hour at which he was accustomed to go out, might be to leave Emily's peace of mind at the mercy of an accident.