passenger traffic

Related to passenger traffic: Marine traffic

passenger traffic

nmovimento passeggeri
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Above him raced the long, light passenger fliers, plying, each in its proper plane, between the numerous landing-stages for internal passenger traffic. Landing-stages that tower high into the heavens are for the great international passenger liners.
It was difficult to get a berth with them; and besides their passenger traffic allowed the medical officer little freedom; but there were other services which sent large tramps on leisurely expeditions to the East, stopping at all sorts of ports for various periods, from a day or two to a fortnight, so that you had plenty of time, and it was often possible to make a trip inland.
All hours of the twenty-four are alike to Orientals, and their passenger traffic is regulated accordingly.
(NYSE: ASR) (BMV: ASUR) (ASUR) has announced 4,812,160 in total passenger traffic for June 2019, an increase of 6.4% compared to 4,522,824 in June 2018, the company said.
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 8, 2019-ASUR reports 4.8m in June 2019 total passenger traffic
Travel Business Review-July 8, 2019-ASUR reports 4.8m in June 2019 total passenger traffic
The increase in passenger traffic across all sectors involved two markets.
The growth of the passenger traffic all activities included concerned two markets, namely North America (Montreal) with 1.2% of the passenger traffic share, registering a 8% rise, and the European countries up 3.1% with a 73.6% passenger traffic share.
Asur announced that total passenger traffic for April increased 5.8% when compared to April 2018.
Dubai International (DXB) has retained its top position in terms of international passenger traffic and third largest for total passenger traffic in 2018.
For overall passenger traffic, Atlanta airport retained its first position with 107.39 million passengers followed by 100.98 million by Beijing airport and 89.14 million by Dubai International.

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