

too much attention
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While Porter's biography has served as a helpful entry point into her writing, critical overattention to her life has perhaps limited other ways of reading Porter and her canon.
Furthermore, WCC in the form of overattention to detail, as well as inaccurate attempts at text-based and knowledge-based inferences, played a dominant role in foiling comprehension.
Studies by our group (10) and others (11) have shown that overattention to mood variation without considering associated cognitive, speech-language, chronobiologic, and motor signs of mania /hypomania accounts for substantial overdiagnosis of BD in patients with non-specific mood disturbances, particularly in those with active substance abuse or borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Kostenberger rightly contends, "Bosch vastly exaggerates the discontinuity between the Testaments." (28) Bosch's overattention to the "sending" aspect of mission may have led him to overlook the missiological significance of some major themes in Genesis, John, (29) Hebrews, 1 Peter, and Revelation, as well as other books of the Bible.
Consequently, every thing tended to be accentuated: the reactive and episodic character of US policy, its disregard for regional multilateralism, the problems of US inattention and overattention, as well as the hierarchy of relations.
The most common symptoms tend to be clinically significant body dissatisfaction and overattention to body image; rumination about eating and weight management; low or unstable selfevaluations; moderate stress or anxiety or moderate depression; and problematic perfectionism.
Learning from one's own experience carries risks of overattention to short term conditions and organizations may be constrained by their experiences (Ingram/Baum 1997).
This results in overattention to the geometry of encounters and a neglect of the social/organizational factors.
However, our families and our spouses will get suffocated by overattention or crushed by pressure if we try to make them our gods and place all of our hopes and expectations upon them.
Reynolds reiterated the idea of a hierarchy of genres, in which landscapes, or representations of rustic figures, could only occupy a low rank, insisting that ostentatious craftsmanship or overattention to particularities militated against the capacity of painting to stimulate important and abstracted ideas.