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1. In or at a position above or higher than: a sign over the door; a hawk gliding over the hills.
a. Above and across from one end or side to the other: a jump over the fence.
b. To the other side of; across: strolled over the bridge.
c. Across the edge of and down: fell over the cliff.
3. On the other side of: a village over the border.
a. Upon the surface of: put a coat of varnish over the woodwork.
b. On top of or down upon: clubbed him over the head; tripped over the toys.
a. Through the extent of; all through: walked over the grounds; looked over the report.
b. Through the medium of; via: addressed us over the loudspeaker; can't tell you over the phone.
6. So as to cover: put rocks over a cave entrance; threw a shawl over her shoulders.
7. Up to or higher than the level or height of: The water was over my shoulders.
a. Through the period or duration of: records maintained over two years.
b. Until or beyond the end of: stayed over the holidays.
9. More than in degree, quantity, or extent: over ten miles; over a thousand dollars.
a. In superiority to: won a narrow victory over her rival; a distinct advantage over our competitors.
b. In preference to: selected him over all the others.
11. In a position to rule or control: The director presides over the meeting. There is no one over him in the department.
12. So as to have an effect or influence on: the change that came over you.
13. At a point at which one is no longer troubled by: I'm not quite over the cold I caught last week.
14. While occupied with or engaged in: a chat over coffee.
15. With reference to; concerning: an argument over methods.
1. Above the top or surface: climbed the ladder and peered over.
a. Across to another or opposite side: stopped at the curb, then crossed over.
b. Across the edge, brink, or brim: The coffee spilled over.
c. Across an intervening space: Throw the ball over.
a. Across a distance in a particular direction or at a location: lives over in England.
b. To another often specified place or position: Move your chair over toward the fire.
c. To one's place of residence or business: invited us over for cocktails.
4. Throughout an entire area or region: wandered all over.
a. To a different opinion or allegiance: win someone over.
b. So as to be comprehensible, acceptable, or effective; across: eventually got my point over.
6. To a different person, condition, or title: sign the property over.
7. So as to be completely enclosed or covered: The river froze over. Engineers sealed the tunnel entrance over.
8. Completely through; from beginning to end: Think the problem over. Let's read the memo over.
a. From an upright position: kicked the bookstand over.
b. From an upward position to an inverted or reversed position: turn the paper over.
10. Another time; again: counted his cards over; had to do it over.
11. In repetition: made me write it ten times over.
12. In addition or excess; in surplus: lots of food left over.
13. Beyond or until a specified time: stay a day over.
14. At an end: Summer is over.
n. Sports
A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch.
tr.v. o·vered, o·ver·ing, o·vers
To jump over: Horse and rider overed the stile with ease.
Used in two-way radio to indicate that a transmission is complete and a reply is awaited.
over against
As opposed to; contrasted with.
over and above
In addition to: travel expenses over and above entertainment costs.
over and over
Again and again; repeatedly.
over with
Completely finished; done: Let's get the shopping over with.

[Middle English, from Old English ofer; see uper in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: While working as a newspaper editor in the late 1800s, William Cullen Bryant forbade the use of over in the sense of "more than," as in These rocks are over 5 million years old. Bryant provided no rationale for this injunction, but such was his stature that the stipulation was championed by other American editors, who also felt no reason to offer an explanation. Critics later allowed the usage in some contexts, but their reasons are dubious at best. In point of fact, over has been used as a synonym of more than since the 1300s. In our 2009 survey, 86 percent of the Usage Panel accepted over with the meaning "more than." This usage is fully standard.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. directly above; on the top of; via the top or upper surface of: over one's head.
2. on or to the other side of: over the river.
3. during; through, or throughout (a period of time)
4. in or throughout all parts of: to travel over England.
5. throughout the whole extent of: over the racecourse.
6. above; in preference to: I like that over everything else.
7. by the agency of (an instrument of telecommunication): we heard it over the radio.
8. more than: over a century ago.
9. on the subject of; about: an argument over nothing.
10. while occupied in: discussing business over golf.
11. having recovered from the effects of: she's not over that last love affair yet.
12. over and above added to; in addition to: he earns a large amount over and above his salary.
13. in a state, condition, situation, or position that is or has been placed or put over something: to climb over.
14. (particle) so as to cause to fall: knocking over a policeman.
15. at or to a point across intervening space, water, etc: come over and see us; over in America.
16. throughout a whole area: the world over.
17. (particle) from beginning to end, usually cursorily: to read a document over.
18. throughout a period of time: stay over for this week.
19. (Communications & Information) (esp in signalling and radio) it is now your turn to speak, act, etc
20. more than is expected or usual: not over well.
21. over again once more
22. over against
a. opposite to
b. contrasting with
23. over and over (often foll by again) repeatedly
24. over the odds
a. in addition, esp when not expected
b. unfair or excessive
(postpositive) finished; no longer in progress: is the concert over yet?.
adv, adj
remaining; surplus (often in the phrase left over)
(Cricket) cricket
a. a series of six balls bowled by a bowler from the same end of the pitch
b. the play during this
[Old English ofer; related to Old High German ubir, obar, Old Norse yfir, Latin super, Greek huper]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈoʊ vər)
1. above in place or position: the roof over one's head.
2. above and to the other side of: to leap over a wall.
3. above in authority, rank, power, etc.: no one over her in the department.
4. so as to rest on or cover; on or upon: Throw a sheet over the bed.
5. on top of: to hit someone over the head.
6. here and there on or in; about: at various places over the country.
7. through all parts of; all through: to show someone over the house.
8. to and fro on or in; across; throughout: to travel over Europe.
9. from one side to the other of; to the other side of; across: to go over a bridge.
10. on the other side of; across: lands over the sea.
11. reaching higher than, so as to submerge: The water is over his shoulders.
12. in excess of; more than: not over five dollars.
13. above in degree, quantity, etc.: a big improvement over last year's turnout.
14. in preference to: chosen over another applicant.
15. throughout the length or duration of: The message was sent over a great distance; over a long period of years.
16. until after the end of: to adjourn over the holidays.
17. in reference to, concerning, or about: to quarrel over a matter.
18. while doing or attending to: to fall asleep over one's work.
19. via; by means of: I heard it over the radio.
20. beyond the top or upper part of something: a roof that hangs over.
21. so as to cover or affect the whole surface: The furniture was covered over with dust.
22. through a region, area, etc.: known the world over.
23. at some distance, as in a direction indicated: They live over by the hill.
24. from one side or place to another or across an intervening space: to sail over; Toss the ball over, will you? Let's walk over to the coffee shop.
25. across or beyond an edge or rim: The soup boiled over.
26. from beginning to end; throughout: Think it over.
27. from one person, party, etc., to another: He made the property over to his brother.
28. on the other side, as of a sea, a river, or any space: over in Japan.
29. so as to displace from an upright position: to knock over a glass.
30. so as to put or be in the reversed position: The dog rolled over.
31. once more; again: Do the work over.
32. in repetition or succession: 20 times over.
33. in excess or addition: to pay the full sum and something over.
34. in excess of or beyond a certain amount: Five goes into seven once, with two over.
35. throughout or beyond a period of time: to stay over till Monday.
36. upper; higher up.
37. higher in authority, station, etc.
38. serving or intended as an outer covering; outer (often used in combination): a gown with an overskirt.
39. remaining or additional, surplus; extra.
40. too great; excessive (usu. used in combination): overaggressive behavior.
41. ended; done; past: when the war was over.
42. an amount in excess or addition; extra.
43. a shot that strikes or bursts beyond the target.
44. Cricket.
a. the number of balls, usu. six, delivered between successive changes of bowlers.
b. the part of the game played between such changes.
45. to go or get over; leap over.
46. (used in radio communications to signify that the sender is awaiting a reply to or acknowledgment of a transmission.)
1. all over,
a. ended; finished; over with: The game is all over.
b. throughout; everywhere: all over the place.
2. over and above, in addition to; besides.
3. over and over, many times; repeatedly.
4. over the hill, past one's prime.
5. over with, finished; ended; done.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English ofer; c. Old Frisian ovir, Old High German ubar(i), Old Norse yfir; akin to Latin super, Greek hypér, Skt upari. See up, hyper-]


a prefixal use of over, occurring in various senses in compounds (overboard; overcoat; overhang; overlord; overthrow), and esp. employed, with the senses “over the limit,” “to excess,” “too much,” “too,” to form verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns (overact; overcrowd; overfull; overweight).
[Middle English; Old English ofer-. See over]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a spotting, or an observation, used by a spotter or an observer to indicate that a burst(s) occurred beyond the target in relation to the spotting line.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


1. used for talking about position and height

If something is higher than something else, you can say that the first thing is above or over the second thing.

He opened a cupboard above the sink.
There was a mirror over the fireplace.

If one thing is much higher than another thing, or there is a lot of space between them, you usually use above.

We heard a noise in the apartment above ours.

You usually use over when one thing is at a higher level than another thing, and the first thing is moving.

A plane flew over the city.
2. used for talking about measurements and quantities

Above and over are both used to talk about measurements, for example, when you are talking about a point that is higher than another point on a scale.

Any money earned over that level is taxed.
The temperature rose to just above forty degrees.

Be Careful!
Don't use above in front of a number when you are talking about a quantity or number of things or people. For example, don't say 'She had above thirty pairs of shoes'. You say 'She had over thirty pairs of shoes' or 'She had more than thirty pairs of shoes'.

They paid out over 3 million pounds.
He saw more than 800 children, dying of starvation.
3. used for talking about distance and time

You use over to say that a distance or period of time is longer than the one mentioned.

The mountain is over twelve thousand feet high.
Our relationship lasted for over a year.


Over is a preposition used in several different ways.

1. position

If one thing is over another thing, it is directly above it.

I had reached the little bridge over the stream.
His name is on the monument over the west door.
2. movement

If you go over something, you cross it and get to the other side.

Sayeed climbed over the fence.
The sea was rough on the way back over the Channel.
3. age

If someone is over a particular age, they are older than that age.

She was well over fifty.
4. time

If something happens over a period of time, it happens during that time.

He'd had flu over Christmas.
There have been many changes over the last few years.

If you do something over a meal, you do it while you are eating the meal.

It's often easier to discuss difficult ideas over lunch.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Series of six or sometimes eight balls bowled from one end by the same bowler.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.over - (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
cricket - a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players; teams take turns trying to score runs
division, section, part - one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
period of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
maiden over, maiden - (cricket) an over in which no runs are scored
Adj.1.over - having come or been brought to a conclusionover - having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview"
finished - ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"
Adv.1.over - at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
2.over - throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
3.over - throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
4.over - beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
5.over - over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. above, on top of, atop He looked at himself in the mirror over the fireplace.
2. on top of, on, across, upon His coat was thrown over a chair.
3. across, past, (looking) onto a room with a wonderful view over the river
4. more than, above, exceeding, in excess of, upwards of Smoking kills over 100,000 people in Britain a year.
5. about, regarding, relating to, with respect to, re, concerning, apropos of, anent (Scot.) You're making a lot of fuss over nothing.
1. above, overhead, in the sky, on high, aloft, up above Planes flew over every 15 minutes or so.
2. extra, more, other, further, beyond, additional, in addition, surplus, in excess, left over, unused, supplementary, auxiliary There were two for each of us, and one over.
1. finished, by, done (with), through, ended, closed, past, completed, complete, gone, in the past, settled, concluded, accomplished, wrapped up (informal), bygone, at an end, ancient history (informal), over and done with I think the worst is over now.
over and above in addition to, added to, on top of, besides, plus, let alone, not to mention, as well as, over and beyond Costs have gone up 7% over and above inflation.
over and done with finished, done, over, ended, in the past, played out (informal) We were friends once but that's all over and done with.
over and over (again) repeatedly, frequently, again and again, often, many times, time and (time) again, time after time, ad nauseam He plays the same song over and over again.
"It ain't over till it's over" [attributed to Yogi Berra]
Related words
prefixes hyper-, super-, supra-, sur-
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. From one end to the other:
2. To an end or conclusion:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أثْناء، خِلالأعْلى: تُشير إلى العَدَدإلى أسْفَلباقٍبِواسِطَة
overforbii løbet afi overskudigennem
búinní , símleiîisí gegnum, meî árunumlesa yfir/í gegnog yfir/eldri
iš naujokas praėjo - užmirštakitoje pusėjepar-pasibaigęs
ap-cauri, beidziesno-no jaunapar
bên trênđã xong


When over is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg come over, go over, start over, turn over, look up the verb.
1. (= across) → por encima, por arriba (LAm)
this one goes under and that one goes overéste pasa por debajo y ése por encima
2. (= here, there) I'll be over at 7 o'clockestaré ahí a las 7
they're over for the dayhan venido a pasar el día
when you're next over this wayla próxima vez que pases por aquí
With prepositions and adverbs over is usually not translated

they're over from Canada for the summerhan venido desde Canadá a pasar el verano
over hereaquí
how long have you lived over here?¿cuánto tiempo llevas viviendo aquí?
when you're next over herela próxima vez que vengas
he's over in the States at the momenten este momento está en Estados Unidos
over in the States, people reacted differently(allí) en Estados Unidos la gente reaccionó de otra manera
it's over on the other side of townestá al otro lado de la ciudad
over thereallí
how long were you over there?¿cuánto tiempo estuviste allí?
the next time you're over therela próxima vez que vayas (allí)
the baby crawled over to its motherel bebé gateó hacia su madre
to drive over to the other side of townir en coche al otro lado de la ciudad
over to you! (to speak) → ¡te paso la palabra!
so now it's over to you (to decide) → así que ahora te toca a ti decidir
now over to our Paris correspondentahora damos paso a nuestro corresponsal en París
3. (indicating repetition)
it happened all over againvolvió a ocurrir, ocurrió otra vez
to start (all) over againvolver a empezar
over and over (again)repetidas veces, una y otra vez
several times overvarias veces seguidas
we did it two or three times overlo volvimos a hacer dos o tres veces
4. (US) (= again) → otra vez
to do sth overvolver a hacer algo, hacer algo otra vez
5. (= remaining) there are three (left) oversobran or quedan tres
there were two slices each and one (left) overhabía dos rebanadas para cada uno y sobraba una
is there any cake left over?¿queda or sobra (algo de) pastel?
when they've paid the bills there's nothing (left) over for luxuriesdespués de pagar las facturas no les sobra or queda nada para caprichos
4 into 29 goes 7 and 1 over29 dividido entre 4 son 7 y me llevo 1
6. (= more)
sums of £50,000 and overcantidades iguales or superiores a 50.000 libras
persons of 21 and overlas personas de veintiún años para arriba
7. (Telec) over!¡cambio!
over and out!¡cambio y corto!
8. (in set expressions)
over against (lit) → contra (fig) → frente a
over against the wallcontra la pared
the importance of faith over against good worksla importancia de la fe frente a las buenas obras
the (whole) world overen or por todo el mundo, en el mundo entero
1. (indicating position) (= situated above) → encima de, arriba de (LAm); (= across) → por encima de, por arriba de (LAm)
there's a mirror over the washbasinencima del lavabo hay un espejo
a washbasin with a mirror over itun lavabo con un espejo encima
the water came over his kneesel agua le llegaba por encima de las rodillas
the ball went over the wallla pelota pasó por encima del muro
to jump over sthsaltar por encima de algo
BUT the bridge over the river → el puente sobre el río
pour some sauce over itéchale un poco de salsa por encima
I put a blanket over herle eché una manta por encima
she put an apron on over her dressse puso un delantal encima del vestido
to spread a sheet over sthextender una sábana sobre or por encima de algo
see also all C2
see also head A1, A2
see also hill A
2. (= superior to) he's over me (in the company)está por encima mío (en la empresa)
3. (= on the other side of) the bar over the roadel bar de enfrente
it's over the riverestá en la otra orilla del río
the noise came from over the wallel ruido venía del otro lado de la pared
over the pageen la página siguiente
4. (= more than) → más de
over two hundredmás de doscientos
well over 200 peoplebastante más de 200 personas
he must be over 60debe de tener más de 60 años
(the) over-18slos mayores de 18 años
an increase of 5% over last yearun aumento del 5 por ciento respecto al año pasado
spending has gone up by 7% over and above inflationel gasto ha aumentado un 7% por encima de la inflación
this was over and above his normal dutieseso iba más allá de sus deberes habituales
over and above normal requirementsademás de los requisitos normales
yes, but over and above that, we mustsí, pero además de eso, debemos ...
over and above the fact thatademás de que ...
see also well A2.1
5. (= during) → durante
over the last few yearsdurante los últimos años
payments spread over some yearspagos espaciados durante varios años
over Christmasdurante las Navidades
over the winterdurante or en el invierno
why don't we discuss it over dinner?¿por qué no vamos a cenar y lo hablamos?
they talked over a cup of coffeehablaron mientras se tomaban un café
how long will you be over it?¿cuánto tiempo te va a llevar?
he took or spent hours over the preparationsdedicó muchas horas a los preparativos
see also linger 3
6. (= because of) → por
to cry over sthllorar por algo
they fell out over moneyse pelearon por una cuestión de dinero
7. (= about) → sobre
the two sides disagreed over how much should be spentambas partes discrepaban sobre cuánto debería gastarse
8. (= recovered from) he's not over that yet (illness) → todavía no se ha repuesto de aquello; (shock) → todavía no se ha repuesto de or sobrepuesto a aquello
she's over it now (illness) → se ha repuesto de eso ya
it'll take her years to get over it (shock) → tardará años en sobreponerse
I hope you'll soon be over your coldespero que se te pase pronto el resfriado, espero que te repongas pronto del resfriado
she's still not over her last boyfriendaún no ha olvidado a su último novio
we're over the worst nowya pasó lo peor
9. (indicating means of communication) → por
over the telephonepor teléfono
over the loudspeakerpor los altavoces
I heard it over the radiolo escuché or oí por la radio
10. (= contrasted with) the issue of quality over economyla cuestión de la calidad en contraposición a la rentabilidad
C. ADJECTIVE (= finished) when or after the war is over, we'll gocuando (se) acabe la guerra, nos iremos ...
I'll be happy when the exams are overseré feliz cuando (se) hayan acabado or terminado los exámenes
our troubles are over(se) han acabado nuestros problemas
the danger was soon overel peligro pasó pronto
it's all overse acabó
it's all over between uslo nuestro se acabó
I'll be glad when it's all over and done withestaré contento cuando todo (se) haya acabado or terminado
for us the incident was over and done withnosotros dábamos el incidente por zanjado
to get sth over and done with: if we've got to tell her, best get it over and done withsi tenemos que decírselo, cuanto antes (lo hagamos) mejor
D. NOUN (Cricket) → serie f de seis lanzamientos
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(in space) [fly, pass] → par-dessus
over here → par ici
over there → par là
(in time) over and over → encore et encore
over and over again → encore et encore
twice over → par deux fois
to do sth over again (British)recommencer qch
to start all over again [problems, process] → recommencer
(on TV, radio)
Now over to our Paris correspondent → Nous passons l'antenne à notre correspondant à Paris.
the world over → dans le monde entier
(= excessively) → trop
She's not over intelligent (British)Elle n'est pas particulièrement intelligente.
(= finished) → fini(e), terminé(e)
I'll be happy when the exams are over → Je serai content quand les examens seront terminés.
(= on) → sur
I spilled coffee over my shirt → J'ai renversé du café sur ma chemise.
(= over the top of) → par-dessus
The ball went over the wall → Le ballon est passé par-dessus le mur.
(= above) → au-dessus de
There's a mirror over the washbasin → Il y a une glace au-dessus du lavabo.
(= on the other side of) → de l'autre côté de
The baker's is over the road → La boulangerie est de l'autre côté de la rue.
(= more than) [weight, temperature] → plus de
It's over twenty kilos → Ça pèse plus de vingt kilos.
The temperature was over thirty degrees → La température dépassait les trente degrés., Il faisait plus de trente degrés.
over and above prep (= in addition to) → en plus de
(= during) → pendant
over Christmas → pendant les fêtes de Noël
over the holidays → pendant les vacances
(= about, concerning) they fell out over money → ils se sont brouillés pour des questions d'argent
they fell out over her → ils se sont brouillés à cause d'elle
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(indicating motion) → über (+acc); he spread the blanket over the beder breitete die Decke über das Bett; he spilled coffee over iter goss Kaffee darüber, er vergoss Kaffee darauf; to hit somebody over the headjdm auf den Kopf schlagen
(indicating position: = above, on top of) → über (+dat); if you hang the picture over the deskwenn du das Bild über dem Schreibtisch aufhängst or über den Schreibtisch hängst; bent over one’s booksüber die Bücher gebeugt
(= on the other side of)über (+dat); (= to the other side of)über (+acc); to look over the wallüber die Mauer schauen; the noise came from over the wallder Lärm kam von der anderen Seite der Mauer; it’s over the pagees ist auf der nächsten Seite; I looked over my shoulderich sah mir über meine Schulter; he looked over my shoulderer sah über die Schulter; she has to keep looking over her shoulder (fig)sie ist verängstigt; the house over the roaddas Haus gegenüber; the family from over the roaddie Familie von gegenüber; it’s just over the road from usdas ist von uns (aus) nur über die Straße; the bridge over the riverdie Brücke über den Fluss; we’re over the main obstacles nowwir haben jetzt die größten Hindernisse hinter uns (dat); when they were over the riverals sie über den Fluss hinüber waren; they’re all safely over the first fencesie sind alle sicher über die erste Hürde gekommen
(= in or across every part of)in (+dat); it was raining over Londones regnete in (ganz) London; they came from all over Englandsie kamen aus allen Teilen Englands or aus ganz England; I’ll show you over the houseich zeige Ihnen das Haus; you’ve got ink all over you/your handsSie/Ihre Hände sind ganz voller Tinte; a smile spread over her faceein Lächeln breitete sich auf ihrem Gesicht aus; to be all over somebody (inf)ein Mordstheater um jdn machen (inf)
(= superior to)über (+dat); to have authority over somebodyAutorität über jdn haben; he has no control over his urges/his staffer hat seine Triebe/seine Angestellten nicht unter Kontrolle; he was promoted over meer wurde über mich befördert; we were all over them (inf)wir waren ihnen haushoch überlegen
(= more than, longer than)über (+acc); over and above thatdarüber hinaus; over and above the expensesüber die Ausgaben hinaus; that was well over a year agodas ist gut ein Jahr her, das war vor gut einem Jahr; she will not live over the wintersie wird den Winter nicht überleben
(in expressions of time) → über (+acc); (= during)während (+gen), → in (+dat); can we stay over the weekend?können wir übers Wochenende bleiben?; over Christmasüber Weihnachten; over the summerden Sommer über; over the summer we have been trying …während des Sommers haben wir versucht; over the (past) years I’ve come to realize …im Laufe der (letzten) Jahre ist mir klar geworden; he has mellowed over the yearser ist mit den Jahren milder geworden; the visits were spread over several monthsdie Besuche verteilten sich über mehrere Monate
they talked over a cup of coffeesie unterhielten sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee; the speeches were made over coffeedie Reden wurden beim Kaffee gehalten; let’s discuss that over dinner/a beerbesprechen wir das beim Essen/bei einem Bier; they’ll be a long time over itsie werden dazu lange brauchen; he nodded off over his worker nickte über seiner Arbeit ein; to get stuck over a difficultybei einer Schwierigkeit stecken bleiben
he told me over the phoneer hat es mir am Telefon gesagt; I heard it over the radioich habe es im Radio gehört; a voice came over the intercomeine Stimme kam über die Sprechanlage
(= about)über (+acc); it’s not worth arguing overes lohnt (sich) nicht, darüber zu streiten; that’s nothing for you to get upset overdarüber brauchst du dich nicht aufzuregen
what is 7 over 3?wie viel ist 7 durch 3?; blood pressure of 150 over 120Blutdruck mvon 150 zu 120
(= across) (away from speaker) → hinüber; (towards speaker) → herüber; (= on the other side)drüben; they swam over to ussie schwammen zu uns herüber; he took the fruit over to his motherer brachte das Obst zu seiner Mutter hinüber; when the first man is over the second starts to climb/swimwenn der Erste drüben angekommen ist, klettert/schwimmt der Zweite los; come over tonightkommen Sie heute Abend vorbei; I just thought I’d come overich dachte, ich komme mal rüber (inf); he is over here/thereer ist hier/dort drüben; over to you!Sie sind daran; and now over to our reporter in Belfastund nun schalten wir zu unserem Reporter in Belfast um; and now over to Paris where …und nun (schalten wir um) nach Paris, wo …; he has gone over to Americaer ist nach Amerika gefahren; over in Americadrüben in Amerika; he drove us over to the other side of towner fuhr uns ans andere Ende der Stadt; he went over to the enemyer lief zum Feind über
famous the world overin der ganzen Welt berühmt; I’ve been looking for it all overich habe überall danach gesucht; I am aching all overmir tut alles weh; you’ve got dirt all overSie sind voller Schmutz, Sie sind ganz schmutzig; he was shaking all overer zitterte am ganzen Leib; I’m wet all overich bin völlig nass; he was black all overer war von oben bis unten schwarz; the dog licked him all overder Hund leckte ihn von oben bis unten ab; that’s Fred all overdas ist typisch (für) Fred; it happens all overdas gibt es überall
(indicating movement from one side to another, from upright position) to turn an object over (and over)einen Gegenstand (immer wieder) herumdrehen; he hit her and over she wenter schlug sie, und sie fiel um
(= ended) film, first act, operation, fight etczu Ende; romance, summervorbei, zu Ende; the rain is overder Regen hat aufgehört; the pain will soon be overder Schmerz wird bald vorbei sein; the danger was overdie Gefahr war vorüber, es bestand keine Gefahr mehr; when all this is overwenn das alles vorbei ist; it’s all over with himes ist Schluss or aus mit ihm; it’s all over between uses ist aus zwischen uns
(indicating repetition) he counted them over again (Brit) or over (US) → er zählte sie noch einmal; to start (all) over again (Brit) or over (US) → noch einmal (ganz) von vorn anfangen; over and over (again)immer (und immer) wieder, wieder und wieder; he did it five times overer hat es fünfmal wiederholt; must I say everything twice over!muss ich denn immer alles zweimal sagen!
(= excessively)übermäßig, allzu; he has not done it over weller hat es nicht gerade übermäßig gut gemacht; he is not over healthyer ist nicht allzu gesund; there’s not over much leftes ist nicht allzu viel übrig
(= remaining)übrig; there was no/a lot of meat (left) overes war kein Fleisch mehr übrig/viel Fleisch übrig; 7 into 22 goes 3 and 1 over22 durch 7 ist 3, Rest 1; 6 feet and a little over6 Fuß und ein bisschen
(= more) children of 8 and overKinder ab 8; all results of 5.3 and overalle Ergebnisse ab 5,3 or von 5,3 und darüber; if it takes three hours or overwenn es drei oder mehr Stunden dauert
(Telec) come in, please, overbitte kommen, over; over and outEnde der Durchsage; (Aviat) → over and out
n (Cricket) 6 aufeinanderfolgende Würfe


adjüberehrgeizig, zu ehrgeizig
adjübertrieben besorgt; (on particular occasion) → übermäßig aufgeregt, übermäßig nervös; he’s over to pleaseer überschlägt sich, um zu gefallen; I’m not exactly over to goich bin nicht gerade scharf darauf, zu gehen


adj, adv (Sport) throwmit gestrecktem (erhobenem) Arm; serveüber Kopf; over stroke (Swimming) → Kraulschlag m
overate pret of overeat
vt (= intimidate)einschüchtern; (= impress)überwältigen, tief beeindrucken
vi (person, object)aus dem Gleichgewicht kommen, Übergewicht bekommen, das Gleichgewicht verlieren
vt objectumwerfen, umstoßen; boatkippen; personaus dem Gleichgewicht bringen


overbid pret, ptp <overbid>
(at auction) → überbieten
(Cards) → überreizen; to over one’s handzu hoch reizen
(at auction) → mehr bieten, ein höheres Angebot machen
(Cards) → überreizen;
nÜberbluse f
overblow pret <overblew>, ptp <overblown>
vt (Mus) → überblasen
prose, rhetoricgeschwollen, schwülstig, hochtrabend
(Mus) noteüberblasen


adj person, actionverwegen
vizu viele Buchungen vornehmen
vtzu viele Buchungen vornehmen für
vt (lit)überladen; (fig)überlasten
overbuy pret, ptp <overbought>
vizu viel kaufen, über Bedarf einkaufen
overcall (Cards)
overcame pret of overcome
weatherbedeckt; skybewölkt, bedeckt; it’s getting rather overes zieht sich zu
(Sew) stitchüberwendlich; over seamüberwendliche Naht


vi to over for somethingetw überkompensieren
(= extreme self-assurance)übersteigertes Selbstvertrauen or Selbstbewusstsein
(= over-optimism)zu großer Optimismus
(= excessive trust)blindes Vertrauen (→ in in +acc)
(= extremely self-assured)übertrieben selbstsicher or selbstbewusst
(= too optimistic)zu optimistisch; he was over of successer war sich (dat)seines Erfolges zu sicher
(= excessively trustful)blind vertrauend (→ in auf +acc); you are over in himSie haben zu großes Vertrauen in ihn
nzu starker Verbrauch (→ of an +dat)
vtverbraten; (= boil too long)verkochen
adjzu kritisch
vt (Agr) landRaubbau treiben mit, zugrunde wirtschaften
vtüberladen; bus etc also, room (with people) → überfüllen
adj (with things) → überfüllt; town alsoübervölkert; (= overpopulated)überbevölkert
n (of bus, room, flat, classroom)Überfüllung f; (of town)Überbevölkerung f
adjzu abhängig (on von)


(= exaggerated)übertrieben
(= cooked too long)verbraten; (= boiled too long)verkocht
n (lit)Überdosis f; (fig)Zuviel nt (→ of an +dat); he died of an over of sleeping pills/a drug overer starb an einer Überdosis Schlaftabletten/Drogen
vieine Überdosis nehmen; to over on heroineine Überdosis Heroin nehmen; to over on sunzu viel Sonne bekommen; to over on TVzu viel fernsehen
nKontoüberziehung f; my bank manager wouldn’t let me have a bigger overder Direktor meiner Bank wollte mir ein weiteres Überziehen meines Kontos nicht gestatten; to have an over of £100 (= be in debt)sein Konto um £ 100 überzogen haben; (= have an overdraft facility)einen Überziehungskredit von £ 100 haben; I’ve still got an overmein Konto ist immer noch überzogen
overdraft facility
vt (fig)überdramatisieren
overdraw pret <overdrew>, ptp <overdrawn>
vt one’s accountüberziehen
adj (Fin: = in the red) accountüberzogen; she is oversie hat ihr Bankkonto überzogen; I’m always over at the end of the monthmein Konto ist am Ende des Monats immer überzogen; to be £100 over, to be over by £100sein Konto um £ 100 überzogen haben ? also overdraw
vi(sich) übertrieben or zu fein kleiden
vt to be overedzu vornehm or elegant angezogen sein; do you think I’m overed?was meinst du, bin ich zu elegant angezogen?
nÜberkleid nt
n (Aut) → Schnellgang m, → Schongang m
(= late) book, change, visitüberfällig; sum of money, salaryfällig; long overschon seit Langem fällig; over interestZinsrückstände pl; he is overer müsste schon lange da sein; the US market is over for changesam US-Markt sind Veränderungen überfällig
(inf: = late according to biological cycle) baby, periodüberfällig
adjübereifrig; he was over to impresser war (zu) sehr darauf aus, Eindruck zu machen; he was over to starter konnte den Start kaum abwarten; they’re not exactly over to learnsie sind nicht gerade übermäßig lernbegierig
nÜbereifer m
overeat pret <overate>, ptp <overeaten>
vizu viel essen, sich überessen
nÜberessen nt
vt (Brit inf fig) to over the puddingübertreiben
adj design, stylemanieriert, gekünstelt; excuse, plan, scheme(viel zu) umständlich, zu ausgeklügelt; hairstyle, dressüberladen
nÜberbetonung f; an over on moneyeine Überbewertung des Geldes
vtüberbetonen; one cannot over the importance of thisman kann nicht genug betonen, wie wichtig das ist
adj(beruflich) überfordert
adjübertrieben begeistert; not overnicht gerade hingerissen; she wasn’t exactly overihre Begeisterung hielt sich in Grenzen
n (of price)Überbewertung f, → zu hohe Schätzung
vtzu sehr aufregen
adj personüberreizt, zu aufgeregt; childrenaufgedreht, zu aufgeregt
nÜberreiztheit f, → zu starke Aufregung; (of children)Aufgedrehtheit f
viübermäßig viel trainieren; the dangers of overexercisingdie Gefahren übermäßigen Trainings
vt land etcRaubbau treiben (→ sth an +dat/mit)
vt (to sunlight, radiation) → zu stark aussetzen (to dat); (Phot) → überbelichten
n (Phot) → Überbelichtung f; (in media etc: of topic) → Überbehandlung f; the President’s image is suffering from over (in the media)das Image des Präsidenten leidet darunter, dass er zu oft in den Medien erscheint
adj (= overstretched) personüberlastet; the company was over and faced bankruptcydie Firma hatte sich übernommen und stand vor dem Bankrott
adj to be over with somebodyetwas zu vertraulich or intim mit jdm sein; (= too pally also)plumpvertraulich mit jdm sein; I’m not over with their methodsich bin nicht allzu vertraut mit ihren Methoden
overfeed pret, ptp <overfed>
vtüberfüllen, zu voll machen
vt the sea etcüberfischen
overflew pret of overfly
nÜberflug m


overflow meeting
nParallelversammlung f
overflow pipe
nÜberlaufrohr nt
overfly pret <overflew>, ptp <overflown>
(= fly over) townüberfliegen
(= fly beyond) runway, airporthinausfliegen über (+acc)
adj to be over of something/of doing somethingetw nur zu gern haben/tun; I’m not exactly over of …ich bin nicht gerade begeistert von …
adjübervoll (with von, mit)
nOberbekleidungsstück nt; oversOberbekleidung f
adjzu or übertrieben großzügig; she was over in her praisesie geizte nicht mit Lob, sie spendete überreichliches Lob; he gave me an over helpinger überhäufte meinen Teller
overground (Transport)
overgrow pret <overgrew>, ptp <overgrown>
vt path, garden, wallüberwachsen, überwuchern
überwachsen, überwuchert (with von); (= untrimmed) hedge, grassungeschnitten
childaufgeschossen, zu groß; he’s just an over schoolboyer ist ein großes Kind; you’re just an over babydu bist der reinste Säugling; at forty-five, she still looked like an over schoolgirlmit fünfundvierzig sah sie immer noch wie ein zu groß geratenes Schulmädchen aus
adj, adv (Sport) = overarm
overhand knot
n (Naut) → einfacher Knoten
overhang vb: pret, ptp <overhung>
vthängen über (+acc); (= project over: rocks, balcony) → hinausragen über (+acc), → vorstehen über (+acc)
n (of rock, building)Überhang m; (Archit) → Überkragung f
adj cliff, wallüberhängend
adjvoreilig, übereilt; am I being over?bin ich da zu voreilig?
nÜberholung f, → Überholen nt; (inf, of patient) → Generalüberholung f (inf); the machine needs an overdie Maschine muss überholt werden
engineüberholen; plansrevidieren, überprüfen; (inf) patientgründlich untersuchen
(= pass)überholen; (= catch up)einholen


vt engineüberhitzen; roomüberheizen
vi (engine)heiß laufen; (fig: economy) → sich überhitzen
heiß gelaufen; roomüberheizt; to become or get over (person) → einen Hitzschlag erleiden
discussionerhitzt; economy, marketüberhitzt
(= exaggerated) over proseüberhitzte Prosa
overhung pret, ptp of overhang
adj I’m not over with himer imponiert mir nicht besonders, von dem halte ich nicht besonders viel; I’m not over with his workich bin nicht gerade von seiner Arbeit begeistert, seine Arbeit haut mich nicht vom Hocker (inf)


n (Mil) → Overkill m; (fig: = getting rid of too much etc) → Rundumschlag m, → Kahlschlag m; repainting the whole room would definitely be overdas ganze Zimmer neu zu streichen wäre des Guten zu viel or wäre übertrieben
adj (lit, fig)überladen (with mit); lorry, circuit alsoüberlastet
overlaid pret, ptp of overlay
adj journeyauf dem Landweg; over routeRoute fauf dem Landweg
adv travel etcüber Land, auf dem Landweg


overlay vb: pret, ptp <overlaid>
vtüberziehen; (with metal) → belegen; wallverkleiden
nÜberzug m; (metal) → Auflage f; (on map) → Auflegemaske f; (Typ) → Zurichtung f, → Zurichtebogen m; (for fridge etc)Verkleidung f
advumseitig; the illustration overdie umseitige Abbildung; see oversiehe umseitig
nÜbergewicht nt, → zu große Last, Überbelastung f; (Elec) → Überlast f
vtüberladen; car, lorry, animal alsoüberlasten; (Elec, Mech) → überlasten
advzu lang


n (Hist) → Oberherr m
n (Hist) → Oberherrschaft f


adj to be overeine zu große Belegschaft haben
nzu große Belegschaft (→ en pl)
n (Archit) → Kaminaufsatz or -aufbau m
advzu viel, übermäßig; they’re not paid oversie bekommen nicht übermäßig viel bezahlt
adjzu viel; he didn’t show over enthusiasmseine Begeisterung hielt sich in Grenzen
adj distinctionspitzfindig, zu genau


overpaid pret, ptp of overpay
adjzu genau, pingelig (inf); he’s not over about what he eatser ist nicht wählerisch or pingelig (inf), → was (das) Essen angeht; he wasn’t over about filling in his expenses form correctlyer nahm es mit dem Ausfüllen seines Spesenantrages nicht zu or so genau
n (Mot, Rail) → Überführung f
overpay pret, ptp <overpaid>
vtüberbezahlen, zu viel bezahlen (+dat); he was overpaid by about £5man hat ihm etwa £ 5 zu viel bezahlt
n (= act)Überbezahlung f; (= amount)zu viel bezahlter Betrag
vt countryübervölkern
adj (Sport) to be overden körperlichen Einsatz übertreiben
vt (= overact)übertrieben darstellen or spielen; to over one’s hand (fig)es übertreiben, den Bogen überspannen
n (esp US) → Überschuss m, → Mehr nt (→ of an +dat)


vtübertrieben or zu sehr loben
vteinen zu hohen Preis verlangen für; if the public will pay for it then it’s not overdwenn es die Leute bezahlen, dann ist der Preis nicht zu hoch angesetzt; at £50 it’s overd£ 50 ist zu viel dafür
stamp, textüberdrucken; (Phot) → überkopieren
(= print too many copies of)in zu großer Auflage drucken
n (on stamp) → Überdruck m
vt childüberbehüten, zu sehr behüten
adj parentüberängstlich
adj (for job) → überqualifiziert
overran pret of overrun
vtüberschätzen; book, play, system etc alsoüberbewerten; to be overdüberschätzt werden
visich übernehmen
viübertrieben reagieren (→ to auf +acc)
nübertriebene Reaktion (→ to auf +acc)


overrode pret of override


oversee pret <oversaw>, ptp <overseen>
vt (= supervise) person, workbeaufsichtigen, überwachen
nAufseher(in) m(f); (= foreman)Vorarbeiter(in) m(f); (in coal mine) → Steiger m
oversell pret, ptp <oversold>
(= sell too many) to over somethingvon etw mehr verkaufen, als geliefert werden kann; concert, match etcfür etw zu viele Karten verkaufen
(= promote too much)zu viel Reklame machen für; to over oneselfsich zu gut verkaufen
vi (= sell too many)mehr verkaufen, als geliefert werden kann; (for concert, match etc) → zu viele Karten verkaufen
oversew pret <oversewed>, ptp <oversewed or oversewn>
adj to be overeinen übermäßig starken Sexualtrieb haben; you’re over!du bist unersättlich
vt (lit, fig)überschatten
nÜberschuh m


n(zu) grobe Vereinfachung
vtzu sehr vereinfachen, zu einfach darstellen
adjübergroß; over classeszu große Klassen pl
oversleep pret, ptp <overslept>
oversold pret, ptp of oversell
nÜberspezialisierung f
overspend vb: pret, ptp <overspent>
vizu viel ausgeben; we’ve overspent by £10wir haben £ 10 zu viel ausgegeben; overing city councilsStadträte plmit zu hoher Ausgabenpolitik
nzu hohe Ausgaben pl
nzu hohe Ausgaben pl
overspill (Brit)
nBevölkerungsüberschuss m; over townTrabantenstadt f
vi = overflow VI a
adjüberbesetzt; this office is overdieses Büro hat zu viel Personal
nPersonalüberschuss m; over problemsProbleme aufgrund or auf Grund von Personalüberschuss
nÜbertreibung f, → übertriebene Darstellung; this is a bit of an overdas ist leicht übertrieben
vt = outstay
nÜbersteuern nt
vtüberschreiten; to over the markzu weit gehen


vt (Fin) → überzeichnen; the zoo outing was overdzu viele (Leute) hatten sich für den Ausflug in den Zoo angemeldet
nÜberangebot nt (→ of an +dat), → Überversorgung f(of mit)


(fig) person, heartüberlasten, überfordern; to over one’s strengthsich übernehmen
(lit: = tax too heavily) → übermäßig besteuern
adjzu fachspezifisch; (regarding technology) → zu technisch
adj drugsnicht rezeptpflichtig; saleoffen; (St Ex) securities, transactionsaußerbörslich; over market (St Ex) → Freiverkehr m, → Freiverkehrsmarkt m
overthrow vb: pret <overthrew>, ptp <overthrown>
Sieg m (→ of über +acc); (= being overthrown)Niederlage f; (of dictator, government, empire)Sturz m; (of country)Eroberung f
(Cricket) → zu weiter Wurf
vt (= defeat) enemybesiegen; government, dictator, generalstürzen, zu Fall bringen; plansumstoßen; countryerobern


overtook pret of overtake
vtizu viel or zu hart trainieren; overedübertrainiert
n (Cards) → überzähliger Stich


vt (Comput) textüberschreiben
vt goodszu hoch schätzen; idea, object, personüberbewerten
nÜberblick m (→ of über +acc)


overwind pret, ptp <overwound>
vt watchüberdrehen
nÜberarbeitung f, → Arbeitsüberlastung f; he is ill from overer hat sich krank gearbeitet
vt horse etcschinden; personüberanstrengen; image, idea, theme etcüberstrapazieren; to over oneselfsich überarbeiten
visich überarbeiten
adjüberarbeitet, überlastet; (Sport) defence etcüberlastet, überfordert
overwrite pret <overwrote>, ptp <overwritten>
vti (Comput) → überschreiben
overwrite mode
n (Comput) → Überschreibmodus m
adj (= too flowery etc)zu blumig (geschrieben); (= too strong)zu stark formuliert; (= too rhetorical)zu schwülstig
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adv
a. (across) over herequi
over there → laggiù, là
over in France → in Francia
he's over from France for a few days → è venuto dalla Francia per alcuni giorni
over against the wall → (lì or là) contro il muro
the little boy went over to his mother → il bambino andò da sua madre
to drive over to the other side of town → andare (in macchina) dall'altra parte della città
can you come over tonight? → puoi venire da me (or noi) stasera?
over to you! (TV, Radio) → a te (la linea) !
now over to our Paris correspondent → diamo ora la linea al nostro corrispondente da Parigi
to go over to the enemy → passare al nemico
b. (everywhere) the world overin tutto il mondo
I ache all over → mi fa male dappertutto
I looked all over for you → ti ho cercato dappertutto
that's him all over → è proprio da lui
c. (indicating movement from one side to another, from upright position) to turn sth over (and over)girare (e rigirare) qc
she hit me and over I went → mi ha colpito e sono caduto
d. (finished) → finito/a
the rain is over → la pioggia è cessata
the danger was soon over → il pericolo cessò presto
it's all over between us → tra noi è tutto finito
e. (again) to tell over and overdire mille volte
to start (all) over again → ricominciare da capo
several times over → diverse volte
f. (excessively) → molto, troppo
she's not over intelligent (Brit) → non è molto intelligente
g. (remaining) → rimasto/a
there are three over → ne sono rimasti tre
is there any cake left over? → è rimasta della torta?
h. (more) persons of 21 and overpersone dai 21 anni in su
i. (esp in signalling and radio) over and outpasso e chiudo
2. prep
a. (on top of, above) → su
to spread a sheet over sth → stendere un lenzuolo su qc
over my head → sopra la mia testa
his speech went over my head (fig) → il suo discorso era troppo complicato per me
he's over me → è un mio superiore
to have an advantage over sb → avere un vantaggio su qn
b. (across) the pub over the roadil pub di fronte
it's over the river → è al di là del fiume
the bridge over the river → il ponte sul fiume
the ball went over the wall → la palla andò al di là del muro
over the page → alla pagina seguente
c. (everywhere in/on) all over the worldin tutto il mondo
you've got mud all over your shoes → hai le scarpe tutte infangate
d. (more than) over 200più di 200
he must be over 60 → deve aver superato i 60
over and above normal requirements → oltre ai soliti requisiti
an increase of 5% over last year's total → un aumento del 5% rispetto al totale dell'anno scorso
e. (during) → durante, nel corso di
over the last few years → nel corso degli ultimi anni
over the winter → durante l'inverno
let's discuss it over dinner → discutiamone a cena
how long will you be over it? → quanto tempo ti prenderà?
f. (means) I heard it over the radiol'ho sentito alla radio
g. (about, concerning) they fell out over moneylitigarono per una questione di denaro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈəuvə) preposition
1. higher than; above in position, number, authority etc. Hang that picture over the fireplace; He's over 90 years old.
2. from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of. He jumped over the gate; She fell over the cat; My friend lives over the street.
3. covering. He put his handkerchief over his face.
4. across. You find people like him all over the world.
5. about. a quarrel over money.
6. by means of. He spoke to her over the telephone.
7. during. Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.
8. while having etc. He fell asleep over his dinner.
1. higher, moving etc above. The plane flew over about an hour ago.
2. used to show movement, change of position. He rolled over on his back; He turned over the page.
3. across. He went over and spoke to them.
4. downwards. He fell over.
5. higher in number etc. for people aged twenty and over.
6. remaining. There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.
7. through from beginning to end, carefully. Read it over; Talk it over between you.
finished. The affair is over now.
(in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket. He bowled thirty overs in the match.
(as part of a word)
1. too (much), as in overdo.
2. in a higher position, as in overhead.
3. covering, as in overcoat.
4. down from an upright position, as in overturn.
5. completely, as in overcome.
over again
once more. Play the tune over again.
over alloverallbelowover and done with
finished; no longer important. He has behaved very wickedly in the past but that's all over and done with now.

to speak over twenty (not twenty over) languages.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


فَوْقَ, مُنْتَهِي přes, skončený over, overstået beendet, über άνωθεν, ολοκληρωμένος acabado, por encima de ohi, yli fini, par-dessus gotov, nad sopra, terminato ・・・の上に, 終わって 끝난, 위에 boven, voorbij over ponad, skończony acabado, por cima de законченный, над över, särskild เหนือ, ที่จบสิ้น bitmiş, üstünde bên trên, đã xong 上面的, 在...之上
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. acabado-a, terminado-a;
v. [years]
to be ___tener más de;
It is ___ya se pasó, ya se acabó;
turn ___vuélvase, vuélvete;
adv. por encima, de un lado; a otro; al otro lado; al revés
___ againotra vez;
___ and ___ againmuchas veces;
prep. sobre, encima, por; a través de.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adv (greater than) superior a, por encima de, mayor de (V. también higher); (older than) mayor de; people over 50 (years old)..personas mayores de cincuenta años; prep sobre; Your blood pressure is 150 over 80..Su presión (arterial) es de 150 sobre 80
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
And there was a good fairy too, who was fond of the princess, and helped her mother to watch over her.
One day, as they were riding along by a brook, the princess began to feel very thirsty: and she said to her maid, 'Pray get down, and fetch me some water in my golden cup out of yonder brook, for I want to drink.' 'Nay,' said the maid, 'if you are thirsty, get off yourself, and stoop down by the water and drink; I shall not be your waiting- maid any longer.' Then she was so thirsty that she got down, and knelt over the little brook, and drank; for she was frightened, and dared not bring out her golden cup; and she wept and said, 'Alas!
Then all rode farther on their journey, till the day grew so warm, and the sun so scorching, that the bride began to feel very thirsty again; and at last, when they came to a river, she forgot her maid's rude speech, and said, 'Pray get down, and fetch me some water to drink in my golden cup.' But the maid answered her, and even spoke more haughtily than before: 'Drink if you will, but I shall not be your waiting-maid.' Then the princess was so thirsty that she got off her horse, and lay down, and held her head over the running stream, and cried and said, 'What will become of me?' And the lock of hair answered her again:
Then there came a wind, so strong that it blew off Curdken's hat; and away it flew over the hills: and he was forced to turn and run after it; till, by the time he came back, she had done combing and curling her hair, and had put it up again safe.
Then the wind came and blew away his hat; and off it flew a great way, over the hills and far away, so that he had to run after it; and when he came back she had bound up her hair again, and all was safe.
'Nothing better,' said this false bride, 'than that she should be thrown into a cask stuck round with sharp nails, and that two white horses should be put to it, and should drag it from street to street till she was dead.' 'Thou art she!' said the old king; 'and as thou has judged thyself, so shall it be done to thee.' And the young king was then married to his true wife, and they reigned over the kingdom in peace and happiness all their lives; and the good fairy came to see them, and restored the faithful Falada to life again.
The slow left-armer's figures of 5-37 in 23 overs gave him match bag of 10-105 from 52 overs.
Brief Scores: Abu Faris Travels 56 all out in 12.4 overs (Ariful 25, Zafar Iqbal 4 for 5 from 2.4 overs, Anoop 2 for 0 from 1 over and Hidayath 2 for 27 from 4 overs) lost to Salam Air 57/2 in 8.4 overs (Zafar Iqbal 40n.o).
Rizwan blasted 100 off just 44 balls to see his side home with four overs to spare losing just four wickets.
Ali hit 21 boundaries and 14 sixes in his 79-ball knock as Geepas amassed 295 for five in their 25 overs. He reached his 50 of 18 balls and 100 of 40 balls.