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an accumulation of red coralline algae
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"Loch Carron is home to the world's largest known flame shell bed - containing a quarter of a billion of the fiery orange shellfish - as well as spectacular living maerl beds.
Insights into species diversity of associated crustose coralline algae (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) with Atlantic European maerl beds using DNA barcoding.
Brown, "Settling velocity and grain shape of maerl biogenic gravel," Journal of Sedimentary Research, vol.
Usman Yousaf owns Maerl Borough while Amir Abdullah has six offshore companies established in PANAMA.
[33.] Grall J, Le Loc'h F, Guyonnet B, Riera P (2006) Community structure and food web based on stable isotopes ([delta]15N and [delta]13C) analysis of a North Eastern Atlantic maerl bed.
Suitable for both beginner and advanced snorkellers, it showcases a variety of marine life including dogfish, barrel jellyfish, anemones, lobster, crab, kelp forests and maerl, an unusual red coralline algae.
Le Foil (1993) found that juveniles (carapace length > 50 mm) of Maja brachydactyla (referred as Maja squinado) inhabit sand, mud-sand, gravel, rock, and maerl seafloors, mainly at 15 m depth; however, the habitat of younger juveniles was not found.
Beneath the waves, dolphins, porpoises, whales, sharks and seals share the same waters as fragile and slow-growing maerl beds, cold-water corals and horse mussel reefs.