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(Animals) a variant of lourie
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Other international accomplishments by Steve Babaeko include being on the jury of the New York Advertising Festival in 2016, 2017 and 2018; serving as a judge at The Loerie Awards in 2017 and recently sitting on a panel at the Cannes Lion International Festival.
MAY: Pink Loerie Mardi Gras & Arts Festival (PinkLoerieFoundation.com) in the charming town of Knysna in the southern Cape that hosts the annual Mr.
DURBAN, South Africa -- The Facebook Challenge (www.Facebook.com), an official Loerie Award in the Student category, was won this year by three students from AAA School of Advertising in Cape Town.
All the events are linked by a foreshadowing sound, 'go-away,' made by a loerie. This story, as the previous ones, can be linked to Spark's life.
Advertising agency DV8 Saatchi & Saatchi has been nominated as a Finalist in the prestigious South African Loerie Advertising Awards for their work on the Tafel Lager mobile website.
Over the past two years, he has played an integral role in winning competitive pitches and has helped produce iconic campaigns -- such as Nissan's "#SheDrives" -- which were recognised at global and regional award shows, including Cannes Lions, D&AD, Clio Awards, One Show, New York Festival, LIA, the MENA Effie, the Loeries and Dubai Lynx, among others.
Advantage Y&R have won a Silver Award at the 36th The Loeries, held on 20 and 21 September, in Cape Town, South Africa.